The twitter handle @dog_rates also known as WeRateDogs have over 7 million followers and has received international media coverage. WeRateDogs rate's the dog with a hilarious comment. These ratings almost always have a denominator of 10. The numerators, though? Almost always greater than 10.
The twitter-archive-enhanced.csv twitter archive data of WeRateDogs(@dog_rates) and the prediction_clean.csv was provided by Udacity for wrangling and analyzing it.
For getting more information from twitter using tweet_id
one can signup for twitter developers account and add there details instead of the word "HIDDEN".
consumer_key = 'HIDDEN'
consumer_secret = 'HIDDEN'
access_token = 'HIDDEN'
access_secret = 'HIDDEN'
- Docs: For document change/update
- Gather: For Wrangling process - Reading/Gathering
- Assess: For Wrangling process - Assess
- Clean: For wrangling process - Cleaning quality and tidiness issues, may include test codes too
- Viz: For visualization
- Refactor: Refactoring existing code
- Chore: Package manager