A responsive R Shiny web application for visualizing spatial data points on a map of Australia.
- File Upload: Import data from CSV or Excel (XLS/XLSX) files
- Mobile-Friendly: Responsive HTML5 design that works on all devices
- Interactive Mapping: Visualize point data with customizable options
- Flexible Data Handling:
- Dynamic column selection
- Support for both numeric and categorical variables
- Data validation and error handling
- R (>= 4.0.0)
- Required R packages:
- shiny
- leaflet
- readxl
- readr
- dplyr
- DT
- shinyjs
- shinydashboard
- shinythemes
- shinyWidgets
- sf
# Install required packages
install.packages(c("shiny", "leaflet", "readxl", "readr", "dplyr",
"DT", "shinyjs", "shinydashboard", "shinythemes",
"shinyWidgets", "sf"))
Visit https://biometryhub.shinyapps.io/ausmap/ for a live version, or alternatively, follow the steps below:
- Clone this repository or download the app.R file
- Open R or RStudio and set your working directory to the folder containing app.R
- Run the following command:
- Upload your CSV or Excel file with latitude and longitude data
- Select the appropriate columns using the dropdown menus
- Click "Plot Data" to visualize your points on the map
Your data should include at minimum:
- A column for latitude values (numeric, in decimal degrees)
- A column for longitude values (numeric, in decimal degrees)
- Optional additional columns for colouring or faceting
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.