- Dortmund
- https://www.protoyou.de
Screen recording sharing for absolutely everyone.
Middleware Restful API for handling gaming data
🚦 Cachet, the open-source, self-hosted status page system.
Small wrapper around the football-data.org API
1kb vanilla JS script which manages cookies consent banner display like asked by GDPR
Provides an interface to convert PDF's pages to png files in Node.js by using ImageMagick
Not maintained assets for the game Vainglory
CSS responsive grid of hexagons
Internet testing running on Docker Compose.
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Script to number files in a folder serially.
Site contents http://www.beer-n-code.com
Create and manage Docker containers across multiple platforms (not under active development)
A C++11 header-only library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services
Tool for logging the speed of German ICE trains using the REST API of the "ICE Portal"
A Genesis (DeStatis et. al.) client for Python
PHP class to generate and verify Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication
jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
A custom update checker for WordPress plugins. Useful if you don't want to host your project in the official WP repository, but would still like it to support automatic updates. Despite the name, i…
ExtJS 4 Paging Toolbar Resizer combobox