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Issues FAQ

Adam Rodriguez edited this page Nov 23, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Session Mod Manager / EzPz Wiki

This page should give some answers to common questions people usually have.


Q: How can I mod the game?

There are currently two ways of modding the game:

  • Recommended way is to use EzPz patch which works without unpacking all of the game's content. As describe in this video. This is supported by versions of Session Mod Manager higher than 2.0.
  • The old way. Unpacking the pak files as describe in this video. This is best supported by using the version 2.1.0 of MapSwitcher by rodriada000. If you are actively creating mods yourself, this could be your preferred method. Better do it in an extra installation (just copy the game's folder somewhere else)

NOTE: v2.1.0 does not provide a way to unpack the game since the preferred method is patching with EzPz. If you want to unpack the game with map switcher then use v1.6.2

If you are not very experienced with UE and Modding I would always recommend to just use Session Mod Manager, it will also patch your game with EzPz.

Q: Every time I load a map from Session Mod Manager an error message popup shows "The map specified on the command line '[MapName]' could not be found. Exiting"

Re-patch your game with EzPz by clicking Patch With EzPz.

Q: Session Mod Manager just closes after trying to update the app.

Delete the agbin folder which can be found in the same folder as the Mod Manager .exe. Then restart Session Mod Manager and try updating again.

Q: My game was unpacked before and now custom assets don't work

You should cleanup or reinstall the game. It doesn't work very well and is also bad for performance to try to use EzPz-method with an unpacked game.

  1. Go to the Session folder and delete the Engine folder
  2. Go to the SessionGame\Config folder and remove all .ini files except UserEngine.ini if it exists.
  3. Go to the SessionGame\Content folder and delete everything except the Paks and Movies folder.
  4. Go to the SessionGame\Content\Paks folder and make sure the SessionGame-WindowsNoEditor.pak file ends with .pak and not .bak or something else.
  5. Go to Steam Library, Right-Click Session, Properties, Local Files and press Verify Integrity of Game Files. This should restore missing files etc.
  6. Now apply the patch. If you are not experienced, use Session Mod Manager v2+.
  7. Reapply your custom content.

Modding probably doesn't change much from here on, file-wise so in the future you should not have to do something like this anymore.

Q: In my custom map I only have a floating camera view, no skating

a) Make sure you didn't copy the "Data" with your custom map
b) Make sure you replaced the gamemode correctly as described in this video.

When importing a map it is best to use Session Mod Manager because it will exclude the correct folders and copies correctly to the Content folder. Steps can be found here for adding maps with map switcher.

Q: When I load into a map it is really dark

This can happen if you patched the game with EzPz, but already had the game unpacked. It is best to cleanup or reinstall the game. Using both methods of modding can cause issues with the game, it is advised to unpack OR patch.

Q: Session updated and now my mods and custom maps don't work

You will have to patch the game again with EzPz. You can use Session Mod Manager to launch the EzPz patcher.

Q: I cannot use the replay editor after patching the game using the Mod Manager, is this normal? Is there any solution?

It is a Session bug after the latest Session update, not from the patch. Delete your session folder and reinstall it and then re-patch.

It's also an issue when you update the game, but still run the old files with the new .exe

Q: I imported a map and when I load into the map I just fall through the sky.

The file structure of the map was copied incorrectly the Session Content folder. To fix this, choose either the sub-folder or the parent folder of the folder you selected previously when trying to import

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