Our project is about giving the user a list of activities to be done based on his/her mood through a quiz that the user needs to take at the beginning.
Client side: 1. @material-ui/core:- used for implementing google's material design. 2. @material-ui/icons:- used for displaying material ui icons. 3. axios:- used for performing HTTP requests to the database. 4. bootstrap:- used for designing websites faster and easier. 5. css:- used for designing the website. 6. firebase:- used for integration with google for google sign in. 7. jquery:- used for making it easier to use JavaScript on the websites. 8. jwt-decode:- used for decoding jwt tokens. 9. material-ui:- used for the designing the website in a better way. 10. materialize-css:- used for styling the website. 11. mdbreact:- used for styling the website. 12. prop-types:- used for register and login. 13. react:- the application itself. 14. react-bootstrap:- used for designing the website. 15. react-dom:- used for providing DOM-specific methods. 16. react-firebaseui:- used for styling the google sign in button. 17. react-flippy:- used for the flipping cards. 18. react-multiple-choice:- used for the quiz's multiple choices. 19. react-redux:- state management tool. 20. react-router-dom:- keeps the app's UI and URL in sync. 21. react-scripts:- a set of scripts for creating react app. 22. redux:- state management tool. 23. redux-thunk:- middleware. 24. sweetalert:- used for the popup.
Server side: 1. axios:- used for performing HTTP requests to the database. 2. bcrypt:- used for hashing/encrypting the passwords. 3. bcryptjs:- used for hashing/encrypting the passwords. 4. cors:- used for adding additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. 5. express:- web application framework. 6. joi:- used in the validations. 7. joi-objectid:- used for the validations also. 8. jsonwebtoken:- used for taking the token after logging in. 9. mongoose:- used for mongoDB. 10. mongoose-type-url:- used for mongoDB URL. 11. passport:- used for authentication. 12. passport-jwt:- used for authentication. 13. passport-local:- used for authentication.
Our project has 2 config files: 1. In the backend, I) a file containing the connection to mongoDB a)keys b)keys_dev c)keys_production II) a file containing passport for authentication a)passport 2. In the frontend, a file contatining the connection to firebase a)firebaseAuth
Our projet has:- I) Dockerfile in the server side:- used to build the image of the backend side. II) Dockerfile in the client side:- used to build the image of the frontend side. II) docker-compose.yml:- used to build the three containers, one for the server side (backend), one for the client side (frontend) and one for mongoDB. To build docker:- docker-compose build To run docker:- docker-compose up
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app locally. Runs on localhost:5000 and to run backend and frontend together load (http://localhost:3000)
-To run the backend: 1. Go to the directory 2. cd server 3. node index.js
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
-To run the frontend: 1. Go the directory 2. cd client 3. npm start