The Android MIDI Synth project is an example Android application written in Kotlin, which processes MIDI events in C/C++ and plays SF2/SF3 sounds using FluidSynth via JNI (C language).
- Article (in Portuguese): Criando um App Sintetizador MIDI para Android com Kotlin e C++
- English version: Developing a MIDI Synthesizer App for Android Using Kotlin and C++
Distributed under the MIT License.
See LICENSE file for more information.
Some components used in this project are available under other licenses. Check each license file distributed with third-party components:
- FluidSynth: LGPL 2.1
- KawaiStereoGrand SoundFont: CC0 1.0 Universal
Some brands mentioned are registered and are the property of the respective deteiners/manufacturers.
The same "Terms and Conditions" and "Privacy Policy" of the Robson Martins Home Page apply here:
This work is licensed under a MIT License.