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Warning: this library is not development anymore since 2018, and is not supposed to work. Use at your own risk.

The ihmc-ors-yarp project provides a bridge to interface YARP-powered robots with the IHMC-ORS software. In particular ihmc-ors-yarp provides the bridge_ihmc_ors YARP devices, that can be launched through the yarprobotinterface to expose YARP controlboards to a controller implemented using IHMC-ORS.


ihmc-ors-yarp library depends on

Furthermore, ihmc-ors-yarp relies on idl messages generated using the fastrtpsgen of fastrtps. However, unless you need to regenerate the message, you will not need fastrtps to build ihmc-ors-yarp.



git clone
cd ihmc-ors-yarp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_prefix> ..
[sudo] make install

Configure your system

To make sure that the bridge_ihmc_ors YARP device is found, add the <install_prefix>/share/yarp to the YARP_DATA_DIRS env variable. To check that the device was correctly found by YARP, you should find this line if you run the command yarpdev --list:

[INFO]Device "bridge_ihmc_ors", available on request (found in <install_prefix>/lib/yarp/ library).




We provide a few configuration files to run the device on the iCub Gazebo simulation. in robots/icubGazeboSim:

yarprobotinterface --config launch-bridgeihmcors-sim.xml

As the gazebo_yarp_plugins do no support launching a YARP device inside Gazebo itself, this configuration file connects the bridge_ihmc_ors to the controlboards through a group of remote_controlboard devices. Clearly this is not ideal, but it is sufficient to testing. The ideal use of this plugin is to embed it in the yarprobotinterface that is running the controlboard devices exposing the functionalities of the robot.

Real Robot

To run the device on the real robot, it should be sufficient to add this line to your yarprobotinterface configuration file:

    <!-- Remapper device that selects a given set of joints -->
    <device name="ihmc_remapped_controlboard" type="controlboardremapper">
         <param name="axesNames">(torso_pitch,torso_roll,torso_yaw,l_shoulder_pitch,l_shoulder_roll,l_shoulder_yaw,l_elbow,r_shoulder_pitch,r_shoulder_roll,r_shoulder_yaw,r_elbow,l_hip_pitch,l_hip_roll,l_hip_yaw,l_knee,l_ankle_pitch,l_ankle_roll,r_hip_pitch,r_hip_roll,r_hip_yaw,r_knee,r_ankle_pitch,r_ankle_roll)</param>

         <action phase="startup" level="10" type="attach">
            <paramlist name="networks">
                <!-- motorcontrol -->
                <elem name="left_leg">left_leg_mc</elem>
                <elem name="right_leg">right_leg_mc</elem>
                <elem name="left_arm">left_arm_mc</elem>
                <elem name="right_arm">right_arm_mc</elem>
                <elem name="torso">torso_mc</elem>

    <!-- actual bridgeIHMCORS device -->
    <device name="ihmc_bridge" type="bridge_ihmc_ors">
         <!-- Period in seconds at which the torque are sent to the robot 
              and at which the feedback message is sent to the IHMC-ORS controller -->
         <param name="period">0.005</param>
         <!-- IP address (of the machine running IHMC-ORS controller) to which the feedback datagram is sent --> 
         <param name="feedback-address">localhost</param>
         <!-- IP address (of the machine running the yarprobotinterface) from which the desired datagram is received --> 
         <param name="desired-address">localhost</param>
         <action phase="startup" level="20" type="attach">
            <paramlist name="networks">
                <!-- motorcontrol  -->
                <elem name="ihmc_remapped_controlboard">ihmc_remapped_controlboard</elem>

where the devices passed to the ihmc_remapped_controlboard are the actual controlboard devices of your robot (that may have different names) and the axesNames parameter has the list of joints that you want to expose through the bridge_ihmc_ors device.

Regarding the bridge_ihmc_ors device, the relevant parameters are period, feedback-address and desired-address.

For a complete documentation of these parameters, check the Doxygen documentation of the BridgeIHMCORS C++ class.

Device behaviour

By default, after the start the device send the RobotFeedback message as a UDP datagram to the feedback-address IP address on the port feedback-port-number (default value: 9970). A separate threads listen for a UDP datagram containing the RobotDesireds message on the desired-address IP address on the port desired-port-number (default value: 9980)

Joint State Behaviour


The bridge starts all the joints in the NOT_ENABLED state, and the state of each joint evolve indipendently from the rest of the joints. As soon as it receives a RobotDesireds message, it switches the joint in the value specified in the controlMode attribute, either NOT_ENABLED, POSITION_CONTROL or TORQUE_CONTROL. When a joint enters in the POSITION_CONTROL state from a different state, the bridge switches its YARP control mode to VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT. Similarly when a joint enters in the TORQUE_CONTROL state from a different state, the bridge switches its YARP control mode to VOCAB_CM_TORQUE.

When a joint is in the TORQUE_CONTROL state, it sends desired torques based on the control law specified in #3, using data received from the RobotDesireds messages and the feedback received from the robot. When a joint is in the POSITION_CONTROL state, it sends just the qDesired value to the low-level position control loop.

Once more then 0.1 second pass without receiving any RobotDesireds message, the bridge switches every joint back to the NOT_ENABLED state, and it switches back all the joints that were not already in NOT_ENABLED state to the YARP control mode VOCAB_CM_POSITION.

Regenerate the idl messages

To regenerate the idl messages, you need to have the fastrtpsgen tool on your PATH, that is part of fastrtps. If you compile fastrtps from source, remember to enable the BUILD_JAVA CMake option to compile the fastrtpsgen tool. Once you have fastrtpsgen in your PATH, you can regenerate the autogenerated files in the autogenerated directory by executing the idl-regenerate-cxx target.


Bridge to interface YARP-powered robots with the IHMC Open Robotics Software ( ).






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