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Example: Schematic Config File

robotnikthingy edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

These are options which determine where the schematic spawns, how often, whether to include air blocks, and more.

#this is an example configuration file for a schematic

#Don't Change this
ConfigVersion: 1.1

#Whether this schematic will be spawned naturally when new chunks are generated
enabled: true

#determines where to place the schematic. Options are:
#  ground - the schematic will spawn on the ground
#  anywhere - schematic can spawn anywhere within range of min and max 
#  air - schematic will only spawn above ground in the air
#  underground - schematic will only spawn underground
place: ground

#chance out of 10000 of the schematic spawning in a new chunk when a new chunk is created.
#for large structures its recommended to keep this low
#For something that you want to spawn frequently such as a plant, 1000.0 is recommended
#for something that you want to spawn very infrequently, similar to a village, 10.0 is recommended
#for something very rare, 1 or 0.5 is recommended.
#you may have to experiment to see what works best for you
chance: 100.0

#offsets the paste position of the schematic in the x,y,z direction when spawned.
#This can be used to adjust the schematics position.
#EX: setting y to -10 for a house with 10 block deep basement to make sure the basement is in the ground
  x: 0
  y: 0
  z: 0

#these limit where the schematic will spawn height-wise
#the schematic will not spawn higher than maxY, or lower than minY
minY: 1
maxY: 256

#whether to randomly rotate the schematic
randomrotate: false

#sets whether the schematic will only spawn in certain biomes. If set to false, the schematic
#will spawn in any biome
restrictbiomes: false

#if 'restrictbiomes' is set to true, then the schematic will only spawn in these biomes
#you can find a list of biome names here

#turns the biome whitelist into a blacklists
biomeblacklistmode: false

#blacklist of blocks which the schematic will not spawn on
#if WhiteListMode is set to true, then this acts as a whitelist instead
#Use block names from the Spigot material list found here:
#if empty then this wont be checked
blacklist: []
#example blacklist where schematic will not spawn over lava or water

#turns the block blacklist into a whitelist
whitelistmode: false  

#whether to paste air blocks from the schematic. If set to false, air blocks wont be pasted
pasteair: true

#whether a WorldGuard region will be automatically created around the schematic when it is spawned, and any flags that will be set.
  createWorldGuardRegion: false
  regionFlags: []

#the maximum numbers of times this schematic can be spawned in the world
#if set to 0, it has no limit
maxspawns: 0

#the number of times this schematic has spawned in the world. used to keep track of maxspawns
TimesSpawned: 0