The Tube-balloon logic (TBL) device is a low cost technology which is intended to use as a logic gate for control of pneumatically driven systems. The TBL device is made from straws, tubing, and balloons, takes a novice five minutes to fabricate, and costs $0.45. It can be configured as NOT-, NAND-, and NOR-gates and assembled into a three-ring oscillator. It can also operate at pressures of up to 200 kPa and oscillate at frequencies of up to 15 Hz. We demonstrate its usage for a vibrating sieve that separates sugar from rice along with the the fabrication process in the video.
- Flexible PVC tubing (Model Name: PVC tubing (inner diameter 1 mm), Supplier:, Unit cost: $0.29 / 30cm)
- Balloon (Model Name: Koogel 260Q (Twisting balloon), Supplier:, Unit cost: $0.05)
- Straws (Model Name: ALINK 100 1/2" (Boba Straw), Supplier:, Unit cost: $0.08)
- Parafilm tape (Model Name: Parafilm M , Supplier:, Unit cost: $0.03 / 6 cm2)
- Scissor
- Hole puncher
- Scale
- Marker
- Mark the straws (diameter of 12.7 mm) at 40 mm pieces and cut it into two pieces
- Fold one piece of the straw in the middle to create a bendable layer (with a heart-like shape)
- Insert the bendable layer into the outer straw
- Punch holes into both straws as an inlet for the PVC tubing using a hole puncher
- Cut the flexible PVC tubing (inner diameter of 1 mm) into two pieces of ~7.5 cm in length
- Feed a one piece of PVC tubing through both straws (bendable layer and outer straw)
- Cut the balloon to 20 cm length, pushed it over the other piece of tubing with an overlap of 1 cm
- Use Parafilm to seal the balloon to the tubing.
- Insert the balloon inside the outer straw such that it lays in between the outer straw and the bendable straw layer
- Use Parafilm to fix the tubing to the straw.
- Seal another end of the staws to ensure balloon cannot overinflate
- Congradulations, you have successfully fabricated TBL device
- Now your device is ready for testing!
- Use any air pump as a pressure source device which delivers pressure upto 200 kPa
- Connect air supply to inflate balloon and to the PVC tubing as an inlet
- When the balloon inflates, it kinks the tubing, and blocks pressure supply
- When the balloon deflates, tubing gets unkinked, unblocking pressure supply
- The maximum working pressure of TBL device will differ with the size and materials used for fabrication
- User should be of min. 10 years age
- A basic understanding of pneumatics is also recommended.
- User may use different dimentions of the straws, tubing, and balloon, it will still work depending on the fabrication
- Make sure you wear ear buds to prevent hearing problems if balloon bursts.