Your friendly neighborhood script for mangling images or video using audio editing tools.
If you'd like to read more about how this actually works, have a look here.
$ ./ in.jpg out.png [effect [effect]]
This script lets you interpret image or video data as sound,
and apply audio effects to it before converting it back to
image representation
--bits=X -- Set audio sample size in bits, 8/16/24
--blend=X -- Blend the distorted video with original video, 0.5
--color-format=X -- Color space/format, rgb24/yuv444p/yuyv422. Full list: $ ffmpeg -pix_fmts
--res=WxH -- Set output resolution, 1920x1080
bass 5
echo 0.8 0.88 60 0.4
flanger 0 2 0 71 0.5 25 lin
hilbert -n 5001
loudness 6
norm 90
overdrive 17
phaser 0.8 0.74 3 0.7 0.5
phaser 0.8 0.74 3 0.4 0.5
pitch 2
sinc 20-4k
vol 10
./mangle in.jpg out.jpg vol 11
./mangle in.mp4 out.mp4 echo 0.8 0.88 60 0.4
./mangle in.mp4 out.mp4 pitch 5 --res=1280x720
./mangle in.mp4 out.mp4 pitch 5 --blend=0.75 --color-format=yuv444p --bits=8
A full list of effects can be found here:
- ffmpeg
- sox