Releases: robertfeldt/BlackBoxOptim.jl
Releases · robertfeldt/BlackBoxOptim.jl
BlackBoxOptim v0.6.3
- Minor bug fixes
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Saving Results (#212)
- Getting errors/standard deviation from OptimizationResults object (#213)
- Loading Results (#219)
- Providing initial solutions to bboptimize does not appear to register the guesses provided (#221)
- Difficulty Installing BlackBoxOptim on MacOS (#224)
- Including Powell's derivative-free optimization methods? (#225)
BlackBoxOptim v0.6.2
Minor compat updates and minor bug fixes
BlackBoxOptim v0.6.1
Closed issues:
- MathProgBase Interface (#59)
- optimizing noisy function (#112)
- Change API to be more in line with Optim.jl and/or JumP.jl (#145)
- strftime not define opt_controller.jl:362 (#149)
- How do I set the mutation rate? (#151)
- MaxFuncEvals ignored (#157)
- RngSeed not used when RandomizeRngSeed is false (#158)
- Restart the optimization while fixing certain parameters (#173)
- TagBot trigger issue (#182)
- Halt optimization early from callback function (#184)
- Initial value not working (#185)
- how to get all solutions not just the pareto optimal solutions? (#187)
- unknown function error (#189)
Merged pull requests:
- Should fix dependency issues
- Minor big fixes
Note that there are problems with MultiThreadEvaluator since Julia 1.6. The related tests are deactivated in this release while we debug this problem.
- Switching to Julia 1.0 Project.toml and JuliaRegistrator
- Many minor bug fixes
Updates for Julia 0.7
Updates for Julia 0.7 as well as tweaks to Borg code etc.