README_EN.TXT - The english version of introducing each shell script file's meaning and the order to execute it
README_CN.TXT - The chinese version of introducing each shell script file's meaning and the order to execute it
ssh_mutual_trust_linux_for_source.sh - Set target host's ssh mutual trust function on source host
ssh_mutual_trust_linux_for_target.sh - Set source host's ssh mutual trust function on target host
collect_info_from_source_oracle.sh - Collect some information from source host
scp_log_file_to_target.sh - Scp file "/tmp/source_oracle_dbinfo.log" to target host
rman_restore_and_recover_to_target_oracle.sh - Use rman restore and recover oracle to target host
- rman_validate_v2.sh - Validate the rman backupset on source host