DirBruter is a Python based CLI tool. It looks for hidden or existing directories/files using brute force method. It basically works by launching a dictionary based attack against a webserver and analyse its response.
git clone https://github.com/rly0nheart/DirBruter
cd DirBruter
pip install -r requirements.txt
python dirbruter.py --help
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usage: dirBruter.py [-h] -w <wordlist> [-o] [-d] [-e <extensions>] url
DirBruter — https://github.com/rly0nheart
positional arguments:
url Target URL
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w <wordlist>, --wordlist <wordlist>
Path to wordlist
-o, --output Save found results to a file
-d, --debug run in debug mode
-e <extensions>, --extensions <extensions>
Extensions (example ".php,.exe,.bak")
DirBruter is a Python-based CLI tool that looks for hidden or existing directories/files using the brute force method. It basically works by launching a dictionary-based attack against a
webserver and analyzing its response
This Tool is made for educational purpose, and should not be used in environments without legal authorization. The author will not be responsible for any misuse of this toolkit.
If you are using default DBwordlist.txt then don't add any other extenstions.
Get the extensions wordlist from SecLists