Releases: rluiten/elm-date-extra
Add two create functions, fix en_us time and long time.
Add new create functions dateFromFieldsRecord, timeFromFieldsRecord.
Thanks to @synalysis for fix to en_us time and long time config.
Update doc only for Create module.
Suggested by @akrejczinger thank you.
Add Norwegian, Add Spanish
Fix Duration.diff possible negative values for a positive difference
Thanks to @ikr for two useful test cases demonstrating failure.
Fix a doc typo, and some empty tests suites in some time zones.
Thanks to @ikr for the typo fix and for pointing out elm-test reports fails on empty test suites.
Documentation update only.
Thanks to @ryan-senn for his fixes for two documentation types.
I have also updated the documentation for Period and Duration to try and make it clearer, fixing a problem in an example cause in Duration that has caused confusion.
With this work I have realised that when i used the concepts of Period and Duration from nodatime that I managed to swap them around in elm-date-extra. My apologies if I have confused anyone it was not intentional.
I have not yet decided if I should swap the the Period and Duration module functionality over so they align with nodatime as yet.
Fixed export of TwelveHourClock and I_default.
Thanks to @BrianHicks for spotting this and the pull request.
Update French, Add additionat Format fields.
- French now shows hours in 24 hour format thanks to @FabienHenon for pointing it out.
- Added the result of Utils.isoWeek as format stirng options %Gm %V, %-V, %u
Fixed doc
Improved Russian, Add Swedish.
Thanks to @NeverwinterMoon for his contribution.