EnvVar | Description | Example | Default |
LOG_LEVEL | Sets the log level being used. Possible values are: error , warn , info , debug and trace . |
warn |
BROKER_CLIENT_MOCK_ENABLED | Enables the mock client. Possible values are true and false . |
true |
BROKER_CLIENT_DIRECT_ENABLED | Enables the direct client. Possible values are true and false . |
false |
BROKER_CLIENT_AKTIN_ENABLED | Enables the aktin client. Possible values are true and false . |
false |
BROKER_CLIENT_DSF_ENABLED | Enables the dsf client. Possible values are true and false . |
false |
KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL | Base URL of the keycloak instance. | http://localhost:8080 |
KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL_ISSUER | Base URL the keycloak instance uses in the issuer claim | http://localhost:8080 |
KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL_JWK | Base URL for the JWK Set URI of the keycloak instance | http://localhost:8080 |
KEYCLOAK_REALM | Realm to be used for checking bearer tokens. | feasibility |
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID | Client ID to be used for checking bearer tokens. | feasibility-webapp |
KEYCLOAK_ALLOWED_ROLE | Role that has to be part of the bearer token in order for the requester to be authorized. | FeasibilityUser |
KEYCLOAK_POWER_ROLE | Optional role that can be assigned to a user to free them from being subject to any hard limits (see PRIVACY_QUOTA_HARD.* EnvVars). | FeasibilityPowerUser |
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_ROLE | Role that gives admin rights to a user. Admins do not fall under any limits and can also see un-obfuscated site names. | FeasibilityAdmin |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL | The JDBC URL of the Postgres feasibility database. | jdbc:postgresql://feasibility-db:5432/codex_ui |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME | Username to connect to the Postgres feasibility database. | guidbuser |
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD | Password to connect to the Postgres feasibility database. | guidbpw |
ONTOLOGY_FILES_FOLDER_UI | ontology/ui_profiles | ||
ONTOLOGY_DB_MIGRATION_FOLDER | ontology/migration | ||
MAPPINGS_FILE | ontology/termCodeMapping.json | ||
CONCEPT_TREE_FILE | ontology/conceptTree.json | ||
FLARE_WEBSERVICE_BASE_URL | URL of the local FLARE webservice - needed for FHIR query translation and when running the DIRECT path | http://localhost:5000 | |
CQL_SERVER_BASE_URL | URL of the local FHIR server that handles CQL requests | http://cql | |
API_BASE_URL | Sets the base URL of the webservice. This is necessary if the webservice is running behind a proxy server. If not filled, the API base URL is the request URL | https://host/api | |
QUERY_VALIDATION_ENABLED | When enabled, any structured query submitted via the run-query endpoint is validated against the JSON schema located in src/main/resources/query/query-schema.json |
true / false | true |
QUERYRESULT_EXPIRY_MINUTES | How many minutes should query results be kept in memory? | 5 | |
QUERYRESULT_PUBLIC_KEY | The public key in Base64-encoded DER format without banners and line breaks. Mandatory if QUERYRESULT_DISABLE_LOG_FILE_ENCRYPTION is false | ||
QUERYRESULT_DISABLE_LOG_FILE_ENCRYPTION | Disable encryption of the result log file. | true / false | |
ALLOWED_ORIGINS | Allowed origins for cross-origin requests. This should at least cover the frontend address. | http://localhost |
The DIRECT path can be run either with FLARE or with a CQL compatible server, not with both. Result counts from the direct path can be obfuscated for privacy reasons. The current implementation handles obfuscation by adding or subtracting a random number <=5.
EnvVar | Description | Example | Default |
BROKER_CLIENT_DIRECT_USE_CQL | Whether to use a CQL server or not. | false | |
BROKER_CLIENT_OBFUSCATE_RESULT_COUNT | Whether the result counts retrieved from the direct broker shall be obfuscated | false |
This is irrelevant if BROKER_CLIENT_DIRECT_ENABLED is set to false.
In order to run the backend using the DIRECT broker path with FLARE, the FLARE_WEBSERVICE_BASE_URL environment variable needs to be set to a running instance of a FLARE instance the backend is allowed to connect to.
In order to run the backend using the DIRECT broker path with CQL, the CQL_SERVER_BASE_URL environment variable needs to be set to a running instance of a CQL compatible FHIR server.
In order to run the backend using the AKTIN broker path, the following environment variables need to be set:
EnvVar | Description | Example | Default |
AKTIN_BROKER_BASE_URL | Base URL for the AKTIN RESTful API | http://localhost:8080/broker/ | |
AKTIN_BROKER_API_KEY | API key for the broker RESTful API with admin privileges | xxxAdmin1234 |
When using API-key authentication, please make sure that the broker server has a
corresponding API-key entry with OU=admin
contained in the DN-string.
In order to run the backend using the DSF path, the following environment variables need to be set:
EnvVar | Description | Example | Default |
DSF_SECURITY_CACERT | Certificate required for secured communication with the DSF middleware. | ||
DSF_SECURITY_KEYSTORE_P12FILE | Security archive (PKCS #12 ) carrying authentication information required for communication with the DSF middleware. |
DSF_SECURITY_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | Password required to decrypt the security archive for subsequent use. | ||
DSF_PROXY_HOST | Proxy host to be used. | ||
DSF_PROXY_USERNAME | Proxy username to be used. | ||
DSF_PROXY_PASSWORD | Proxy password to be used. | ||
DSF_WEBSERVICE_BASE_URL | Base URL pointing to the local ZARS FHIR server. | https://zars/fhir |
DSF_WEBSOCKET_URL | URL pointing to the local ZARS FHIR server websocket endpoint. | wss://zars/fhir/ws |
DSF_ORGANIZATION_ID | Identifier for the local organization this backend is part of. | MY ZARS |
In order to prevent potentially malicious attempts to obtain critical patient data, several countermeasures have been implemented. Users are restricted to creating a certain amount of queries per timeframe. Permanently pushing this limit will get a user blacklisted and needs manual intervention if the user shall be de-listed again. Moreover, retrieving detailed results for queries (including a breakdown by (obfuscated) site names) is also limited.
If the number of responding sites is below the configured threshold, only the total number of results will be provided. If the number of total results is below threshold, no result will be provided.
EnvVar | Description | Example | Default |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_SOFT_CREATE_AMOUNT | Amount of queries a user can create in the interval defined in PRIVACY_QUOTA_SOFT_CREATE_INTERVALMINUTES. | 3 | |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_SOFT_CREATE_INTERVALMINUTES | (see description above) | 1 | |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_HARD_CREATE_AMOUNT | Amount of queries a user can create in the interval defined in PRIVACY_QUOTA_HARD_CREATE_INTERVALMINUTES before being blacklisted. | 50 | |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_HARD_CREATE_INTERVALMINUTES | (see description above) | 10080 | |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_READ_SUMMARY_POLLINGINTERVALSECONDS | Interval in which a user can read the summary query result endpoint. | 10 | |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_READ_DETAILED_OBFUSCATED_POLLINGINTERVALSECONDS | Interval in which a user can read the detailed obfuscated query result endpoint. | 10 | |
PRIVACY_QUOTA_READ_DETAILED_OBFUSCATED_AMOUNT | Amount of times a user can create a distinct detailed obfuscated result in the interval defined in _PRIVACY_QUOTA_READ_DETAILED_OBFUSCATED_INTERVALSECONDS _. | 10 | |
PRIVACY_THRESHOLD_RESULTS | If the total number of results is below this number, return an empty result instead. | 3 | |
PRIVACY_THRESHOLD_SITES | If the number of responding sites is below this number, only respond with a total amount of patients | 20 |
In order to run this project the following steps need to be followed:
- Add GitHub package repositories
- Build the project
- Setup database
This project uses dependencies (HiGHmed DSF and sq2cql) which are not hosted on maven central but on GitHub.
In order to download artifacts from GitHub package repositories, you need to add your GitHub login credentials to your central maven config file.
For more information take a look at this GitHub documentation about authentication.
In order to install the packages using maven in your own projects you need a personal GitHub access token. This GitHub documentation shows you how to generate one.
After that, add the following <server>
configurations to the <servers>
section in your local .m2/settings.xml. Replace USERNAME
with your GitHub username and TOKEN
with the previously generated personal GitHub access token. The token needs at least the scope read:packages
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
Navigate to the root of this repository and execute mvn install
Be aware that Step 1 "Add GitHub package repositories" needs to be executed before.
The project requires a PSQL database. The easiest way to set this up is to use the docker-compose file provided:
docker-compose up -d
Note that this starts an empty psql database as well as a containerized version of the backend. The containerized version of the backend will then connect to the backend database. One can then connect to the same database when starting the backend in an IDE.
This backend provides a rest webservice which connects the MII feasibility gui and the corresponding middlewares.
To send a query to the backend, use the following example query:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8090/api/v2/query' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"version": "http://to_be_decided.com/draft-1/schema#",
"display": "",
"inclusionCriteria": [
"termCode": {
"code": "29463-7",
"system": "http://loinc.org",
"version": "v1",
"display": "Body Weight"
"valueFilter": {
"type": "quantity-comparator",
"unit": {
"code": "kg",
"display": "kilogram"
"comparator": "gt",
"value": 90
another example
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8090/api/v2/query' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"version": "http://to_be_decided.com/draft-1/schema#",
"display": "xxx",
"inclusionCriteria": [
"termCode": {
"code": "J98.4",
"system": "urn:oid:",
"version": "v1",
"display": "xxx"
The response to this call will return a location header, which links to the endpoint where the result for the query can be collected with one of the available sub-paths. For a full description of the api, please refer to the swagger documentation (either in static/v3/api-docs/swagger.yaml or at http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html when running)
mvn install
docker build -t feasibility-gui-backend .
docker-compose up -d
Note: If you need the database to run using another port than 5432 then set the corresponding environment variable like:
FEASIBILITY_DATABASE_PORT=<your-desired-port> docker-compose up -d
GET http://localhost:8090/api/v2/terminology/root-entries
Should reply with status 200 and a JSON object
According to BSI TR-02102-1, we have to use RSA keys with a minimum size of 3000 bit. We will use 3072 because that is the next possible value.
Generate the private key:
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 3072
Extract the public key from the private key in Base64-encoded DER format to put into QUERYRESULT_PUBLIC_KEY
openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform DER -pubout | base64
If you like to use the Decryptor
class, you have to convert the private key into the PKCS#8 format:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in key.pem -nocrypt | base64
You can use the following Java code to create a PrivateKey
class for use with Decryptor
var keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
var privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode("...")));