This framework can be used for Automating WebApps, using BDD approach with TestNg Framework.
Install Java JDK/JRE should be 8 Install Maven Install "cucumber" using eclipse marketplace" Install Eclipse IDE "oxygen" or lesser but not latest. Install command using "mvn clean install -P jenkins"
Configure and Install Following Plugins
1.Help>>Install new software *Cucumber for Java
2.Navigate to jenkins home and click on "Manage jenkins" tab
3.Now click on "Manage plugins"
4.In "Available plugins" tab, perform serach for "Pipeline Maven Integration" and install
Project link : Clone or import project /Download as zip.
Navigate to project root.
mvn clean mvn install
or Right Click on TestRunner class and Click Run As > TestNg Test
HTML report will be generated once execution finish---- /reports/cucumber-reports/cucumber-html-reports Open Index.html in browser to see the reports
Navigate to "Manage jenkins->Configure System" and in Github section configure github credentials
Download latest jenkins.war Jenkins download link Start jenkins.jar on default port using command 'java -jar jenkins.war' Start jenkins.jar on specific port using command 'java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=portnumber' Open localhost:portnumber and login using displayed insructions on browser screens Now install all default plugin and set user & password
Jenkins pipeline can create by scheduling job and Adding Maven build actions