To predict for a folder containing images simply execute This will print the predictions in the output file. path/of/folder output/file/path/filename.txt
If using anaconda then create new environment using this in the conda prompt else you can use the navigator as well
conda create -n envname python=3.7
If not using anaconda then see this link
To activate and use the environment
conda activate envname
Either Install git-bash from or
pip install git
Clone this repository using
git clone repository_address
cd Rohan_Kapoor_9599023170-IITB-Assignment-Jul-Dec2020-Batch2
pip install -r requirements.txt
For generating images go to trdg folder in TextRecognitionDataGenerator and then run '' file
cd TextRecognitionDataGenerator/trdg
python -c 100
This will generate 100 images in out folder in this directory. To check options do
python -h
You can add more fonts in the fonts folder, more background images, texts, dictionaries etc according to the requirements
Go to the official documentation for more details
First you need to prepare the annotations.txt file which is just a simple text file containing the locations of all the images in the dataset and their corresponding labels for eg
c:/Users/rkcha/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/trdg/out/11.jpg 7hjLcQ
c:/Users/rkcha/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/trdg/out/12.jpg Yx5vNVfg
c:/Users/rkcha/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/trdg/out/13.jpg DtbngV3Rs
Then use the following commands to prepare tfrecords
aocr dataset location/of/datasets/annotations-training.txt location/of/datasets/training.tfrecords
aocr dataset location/of/datasets/annotations-testing.txt location/of/datasets/testing.tfrecords
To check more options use
aocr dataset -h
Use the following command to train a fresh model and use the option --modcnn if you want to train using the modified cnn architecture
aocr train ./dataset/nameoffile.tfrecords
aocr train --modcnn ./dataset/nameoffile.tfrecords
For checking the options available use
aocr train -h
Here you can change number of epochs, batch size, image size etc.
Copy the data in the dataset folder of the repository
To test modified model use
aocr test --model-dir ./checkpoint_mod_model --modcnn ./dataset/nameoffile.tfrecords
To test original model use
aocr test --model-dir ./checkpoint_orig_model ./dataset/nameoffile.tfrecords
To test any other model (use --modcnn if trained using modified cnn)
aocr test path/of/checkpoints ./dataset/filename.tfrecords
aocr test --modcnn path/of/checkpoints ./dataset/filename.tfrecords
and go to link then give the url of the image