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Deep reinforcement learning with OpenFOAM


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Deep Reinforcement Learning with OpenFOAM


Repository structure

  • docs: Sphinx documentation sources (work in progress)
  • drlfoam: Python library for DRL with OpenFOAM
  • examples: annotated scripts for performing DRL trainings and tests
  • openfoam: OpenFOAM simulation setups (test_cases) and source files for additional OpenFOAM library components, e.g., boundary conditions (src)

For a list of research projects employing drlFoam, refer to the references.

drlFoam package

  • drlfoam.environment: wrapper classes for manipulating and parsing OpenFOAM test cases
  • drlfoam.agent: policy and value networks, agent logic and training
  • drlfoam.execution: trajectory buffer, local and cluster (Slurm) execution


Python environment

A miss-match between the installed Python-frontend of PyTorch and the C++ frontend (libTorch) can lead to unexpected behavior. Therefore, it is recommended to create a virtual environment using venv or conda. Moreover, the currently used PyTorch version (1.12.1) requires a Python interpreter >=3.8. The following listing shows all steps to set up a suitable virtual environment on Ubuntu 20.04 or newer.

# install venv
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3.8-venv
# if not yet cloned, get drlfoam
git clone
cd drlfoam
# create a new environment called pydrl
python3 -m venv pydrl
# start the environment and install dependencies
source pydrl/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# once the work is done, leave the environment

OpenFOAM library components

Source code and test cases are only compatible with OpenFOAM-v2206; installation instructions. You can use the pre-compiled binaries. Make sure that the OpenFOAM environment variables are available, e.g., by adding source /usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2206/etc/bashrc to $HOME/.bashrc. The additional OpenFOAM library components are compiled as follows:

# at the top-level of this repository
# when executing for the first time, libTorch is downloaded by Allwmake
source setup-env

In case you want to re-compile starting from a clean state:

# assuming you are at the repository's top folder

Working with Singularity containers

Instead of installing dependencies manually, you can also employ the provided Singularity container. Singularity simplifies execution on HPC infrastructures, because no dependencies except for Singularity itself and OpenMPI are required. To build the container locally, run:

sudo singularity build of2206-py1.12.1-cpu.sif docker://andreweiner/of_pytorch:of2206-py1.12.1-cpu

By default, the container is expected to be located at the repository's top level. The default location may be changed by adjusting the DRL_IMAGE variable in setup-env. To build the OpenFOAM library components, provide the --container flag:

./Allwmake --container

Similarly, for cleaning up the build:

./Allwclean --container

Running a training

Currently, there is only one example for assembling a DRL training with drlFoam using the rotatingCylinder test case. To perform the training locally, execute the following steps:

# from the top-level of this repository
source pydrl/bin/activate
source setup-env
cd examples
# see for all available options
# training saved in test_training; buffer size 4; 2 runners
# this training requires 4 MPI ranks on average and two loops
# of each runner to fill the buffer
python3 -o test_training -b 4 -r 2

To run the training with the Singularity container, pass the --container flag to setup-env:

source setup-env --container
python3 -o test_training -b 4 -r 2

Running a training with SLURM

This sections describes how to run a training on a HPC with SLURM. The workflow was tested on TU Braunschweig's Pheonix cluster and might need small adjustments for other HPC configurations. The cluster should provide the following modules/packages:

  • Singularity
  • Python 3.8
  • OpenMPI v4.1 (minor difference might be OK)

After logging in, the following steps set up all dependencies. These steps have to be executed only once in a new environment:

# load git and clone repository
module load comp/git/latest
git clone
# copy the Singularity image to the drlfoam folder
cp /path/to/of2206-py1.12.1-cpu.sif drlfoam/
# set up the virtual Python environment
module load python/3.8.2
python3 -m venv pydrl
source pydrl/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
# compile the OpenFOAM library components
module load singularity/latest
./Allwmake --container

The examples/ scripts support SLURM-based execution via the -e slurm option. To run a new training on the cluster, navigate to the examples folder and create a new dedicated jobscript, e.g., training_jobscript. A suitable jobscript looks as follows:

#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=7-00:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=drl_train
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1

module load python/3.8.2

# adjust path if necessary
source ~/drlfoam/pydrl/bin/activate
source ~/drlfoam/setup-env --container

# start a training with a buffer size of 8 and 8 runners;
# save output to log.test_training
python3 -o test_training -e slurm -b 8 -r 8 &> log.test_training

Submitting, inspecting, and canceling of trainings works as follows:

# start the training
sbatch training_jobscript
# check the SLURM queue
squeue -u $USER
# canceling a job
scancel job_id

To detect potential errors in case of failure, inspect all log files:

  • the log file of the driver script, e.g., log.test_training
  • the output of individual simulation jobs, e.g., slurm-######.out
  • the standard OpenFOAM log files located in test_training/copy_#


Unittests are implemented with PyTest. Some tests require a Slurm installation on the test machine. Instructions for a minimal Slurm setup on Ubuntu are available here. If Slurm is not available, related tests are ignored. Some test require additional test data, which can be created with the create_test_data script.

# examples for running all or selected tests
# starting from the repository top-level
# run all available tests with additional output (-s)
source setup-env
pytest -s drlfoam
# run all tests in the agent sub-package
pytest -s drlfoam/agent
# run all tests for the module
pytest -s drlfoam/agent/tests/


drlFoam is currently developed and maintained by Andre Weiner (@AndreWeiner). Significant contributions to usability, bug fixes, and tests have been made during the first OpenFOAM-Machine Learning Hackathon by (in alphabetical order):

  • Ajay Navilarekal Rajgopal (@ajaynr)
  • Darshan Thummar (@darshan315)
  • Guilherme Lindner (@guilindner)
  • Julian Bissantz (@jbissantz)
  • Morgan Kerhouant
  • Mosayeb Shams (@mosayebshams)
  • Tomislav Marić (@tmaric)

The foundation of the drlFoam implementation are the student projects by Darshan Thummar and Fabian Gabriel.


drlFoam is GPLv3-licensed; refer to the LICENSE file for more information.


Deep reinforcement learning with OpenFOAM







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  • Python 45.4%
  • C++ 36.4%
  • C 15.7%
  • Shell 2.5%