- Version Control System is a system that helps users track different versions of a code and makes it easy to collaborate with other developers
- A new branch can be created by typing git branch new_branch
- The git clone command is used to point to an existing repo in other to make a clone of the repo or to directly copy that repo at a new directory.
- To stage changes for a commit you would use git add command
- Pull request basically lets us notify others about any changes that have been pushed to a branch in a repository
- To add a single line comment in python we use # followed by whatever we intend to write
- To add a single line comment in c++ we use two forward slashes (//)
- To add a multi-line comment in Python we use Triple Quotes (""") before the beginning of whatever we would like to comment out and then the same at the end of the comment
- To add a multi-line comment in C++ we use (/*) at the beginning of our comment and close the multi-line comment with (*/)