A C-based Implementation of the Vigenère Cipher.
- Compile and Execute on GNU/Linux using GCC
$ gcc vigenere.c -o vigenere
$ chmod +x vigenere
$ ./vigenere
- Compile and Execute on Windows NT using the VS Developer Command Prompt
$ cl vigenere.c
$ .\vigenere.exe
./vigenere -h
usage: ./vigenere [-h] "message" [-m MODE] [-k "KEY"]
positional arguments:
message specifies the message to encrypt/decrypt (A-Z, a-z).
-m encrypt/decrypt the subsequent message.
(0 = encrypt, 1 = decrypt, 0 = default)
-k specifies the keyword to use (variable length, ASCII-only).
optional arguments:
-h displays help message and usage information.