Release riscv-isa-release-353e88f-2024-06-11
320 commits
to main
since this release
This release was created by: wmat
Release of RISC-V ISA, built from commit 353e88f, is now available.
What's Changed
- Make vector CSR titles more consistent and remove some trailing spaces by @ksco in #1439
- Table Fixes by @Peter-Herrmann in #1429
- Integrate Ssdbltrp and Smdbltrp into Priv spec by @ved-rivos in #1443
- Updating wavedrom by @kersten1 in #1447
New Contributors
- @ksco made their first contribution in #1439
- @Peter-Herrmann made their first contribution in #1429
Full Changelog: riscv-isa-release-3f725b5-2024-05-31...riscv-isa-release-353e88f-2024-06-11