I am a software engineer, educator, and Open Source enthusiast. I spend my time building things.
Joined Github about 13 years ago. Since then I pushed 8545 commits, opened 18 issues, submitted 279 pull requests, received 592 stars across 105 personal projects and contributed to 15 public repositories.
What I am working on:
- I am currently a Senior Product Engineer at Zero One Group, a digital agency based in Indonesia.
- Previously I work as a software engineer at FlowyTeam, B2B SaaS focused on OKRs and Projects management tools.
- On the other side, I am also building Otentik Authenticator, an Open Source Google Authenticator-compatible app.
- I maintain OSS projects: Laravel OptiKey, PHP Metabase, Packagist Mirror Site, and more.
- You can see the timeline of my work at Polywork, and my resume on LinkedIn.
- Oh, and one last thing: I have a personal website and a technical blog.
What I am interested in:
- My domains of expertise are:
PHP| JavaScript | TypeScript full-stack development, and application design. - In my spare time, I also like to learn about: Rust & Go programming, cloud computing related, and mentoring people.
- I'm building a macOS app in a week with Tauri and Supabase.
- Deploying Authorizer to Fly.io
- Simplify Your Web Development Stack [For Windows Users]
- Faktor Penting Branding Bisnis di Era Industri Digital
PGP Public Key: 2874 4492 87E9 BDF3
. More information available at:
npx riipandi
My work timezone is Asia/Jakarta (UTC+7)
🤫 Psst! If you like my work you can support me via GitHub sponsors.
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