This version brings two compatibility breaks:
- CliMAF is no more compatible with python2
- CliMAF module html has been renamed into chtml to avoid conflicts with python standard package html
- Because CliMAF now uses xarray as sole netcdf package, users on shared machine must export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 or another sensible value
The other improvements and bugfixes are:
- CliMAF now runs on new IPSL clusters 'spirit1' and "spirit2' and at TGCC on machine 'irene' and 'irene-amd' (including tests suite), all CliMAF examples have been adapted; also, the default format set for CDO outputs is now NetDCF4.
- function fds now sets the dataset's frequency using file's global attribute 'frequency'
- dataset's method cdataset.check has been reworked, accepts flags for setting what to check, and provides a consistent return value (which can be None if a decision cannot be made)
- function ds can resolve period=* if it is the only wildcard; triggered by setting classes.auto_resolve to True
- default is now to deactivate optimization for CMIP6 data indexing, which seems buggy
- msftyz data for IPSLCM6 and CMIP6 are automatically fixed for their degenerated dimension, provided environment variable CLIMAF_FIX_IPSL_CMIP6_MSFTYZ is set (to any value)
- when dealing with netcdf files without time bounds, it must be specified when the project is defined using option 'use_frequency=True'. 'frequency' must also be a facet of the project and it must be initialized using cdef. 'frequency' currently support the following values: 'mon' (month), 'MS' (month), 'D' (day), 'H' (hour), 'M' (minute).
- A project can now be derived from an existing one (facets, dataloc).
Bugs :
- operators regrid and regridn take care of discarding any ancillary variable in input data (such as area with sos), in order that CDO succeeds in regriding
- fix on processing period=last_XX for a CMIP5 case
- fix bugs in find_files (for case period = fx), in clist
Technical :
- clean-up of netcdf libraries use : xarray becomes the sole package used; module anynetcdf is discarded and only functions provided by module nectdfbasics are used throughout CliMAF code, except for a very few calls to xarray (in driver.cread and classes.cdatset.check)
- remove dependency to module 'cesemp_env' in bin/climaf
- ease installation by embarking epstopdf
- Engine now applies first the selection on date, in order to take advantage of much improved CDO/NetCDF performance on this operation