by Thomas Rieder
This is the source code for a quadcopter I built during summer break 2012.
- Arduino Uno R3
- XBee Series 2
- ADXL345 - Accelerometer
- ITG3200 - Gyroscope
- [Black Crow 4 Fibreglass Frame]("" Black Crow 4 Fibreglass Quadcopter Frame)
- Robbe Roxxy 2824-34 Outrunners
- Robbe Roxxy BL-Control 710
- APC 10 x 4.7 Propellers (2 Pusher and 2 Pullers)
- LiPo Battery Pack 2200 mAh
- Chassis
- Wiring/Soldering
- I2C Bus to Accel/Gyro
- IMU using Discrete Cosine Matrices with 6 DOF
- Direction Cosine Matrix IMU: Theory
- [Original Papers]( Mahony's Papers on DCM)
- PID-Control
- PID-Tuning
- Wireless Stuff (XBee)
- GUI with Python and TkInter (Tcl/Tk)
- Crashing the whole thing xD
- via email: thomasrieder at aon dot at
- via twitter: My Profile