Welcome to the start page of the Speech Recognition Virtual Kitchen Docker and Vagrant sandbox Github Repository
This page describes several machines from the Speech Recognition Virtual Kitchen implemented as Docker and Vagrant machines
- Prix Fixe ( coming soon )
- offline-transcriber This is an installation of Tanel Alumaes kaldi-offline-transcriber in a Docker container, using the live-decode one
- swbd-transcriber This transcribes telephony conversations, using the offline-transcriber.
- ivw (Interaction in Virtual Worlds)
- Mario XFCE
- Mario Base Box
- Kaldi Base Box [//]: # (* Arabic Transcriber) [//]: # (WIKI)
- Kaldi Language Model Builder an add-on to Kaldi experiments to build language models from sample text KaldiLmBuild
- tedlium a fully open-source Kaldi training setup which also has a graphical user interface with error analysis for speech developers.