DiarTK tools
This README file explains, in brief, the commands to compile and run the IB diarization toolkit.
There are three prerequisites to the package
- Cmake -- required to build the package
- libboost -- boost library for C++
- openmp library -- for multithreaded processing
$> # make clean if cmake has already been run once
$> # cd to
Example command
$> bash scripts/run.diarizeme.sh data/mfcc/AMI_20050204-1206.fea data/scp/AMI_20050204-1206.scp result.dir/ AMI_20050204-1206
To test the result use md-perl-eval tool available on the NIST website
$> perl md-eval-v21.pl -m -afc -c 0.25 -r data/rttm/AMI_20050204-1206.rttm -s result.dir/AMI_20050204-1206.rttm
The expected DER is 8.79%
To add TDOA features, use the following script
$>bash scripts/run.diarizeme.tdoa.sh data/mfcc/$AMI_20050204-1206.fea 0.8 data/tdoa/$AMI_20050204-1206.fea 0.2 data/scp/$AMI_20050204-1206.scp result.dir.tdoa $AMI_20050204-1206
The expected DER is 7.12%