ODDs and ODD-related files for TEI / MEI encoding at the Kritische Ausgabe der Werke von Richard Strauss
The schemata generated from these ODDs target a partially form-based editing of TEI code in oXygen's Author Mode. In order to make documents created on this basis fully TEI conformant, they have be transformed by the accompagnying XSLT scripts (which are generated from the ODDs as well).
The ODD files describe deviations from TEI P5 v2.8.0 and MEI v2.1.0.
- the target folder for schemata, expanded ODDs, XSLT stylesheets. -
- contains MEI files included when building the schemata -
- the source folder, containing the ODDS and XSLT scripts to generate transformation sheets from production TEI files to publishable versions
The root folder contains an ANT build script (build.xml
) with multiple build targets. In order to build schemata,
transformation sheets, etc. with this script, make sure to have
- ANT,
- Saxon, and
- the TEI-C stylesheets (available on GitHub)
installed. Make a copy of the file build.default.properties
, name it build.properties
and adjust the setting in that file to your system. You can find the available build targets in the build.xml
In order to build an Relax-NG schema based on the correspondence ODD, open a command line window in the root folder of
this repository and type (Windows):
REM (set lib according to your system)
set lib="C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 16\lib"
ant -lib %lib%/resolver.jar -lib %lib%/saxon9ee.jar rng -Dname=correspondence
The ODDs include and build on specifications by the TEI consortium, Raffaele Viglianti (https://github.com/TEI-Music-SIG/tei-mei/), and Peter Stadler / Anna Maria Komprecht (https://github.com/Edirom/WeGA-ODD).