Websocket MQTT Forwarder is a websocket Proxy for MQTT Brokers. It allows you to wrap a MQTT TCP connection in a websocket connection. Most of brokers offer a websocket layer but it is difficult to interact with it.
If you want to add a authentication or authorization layer you need to use specific plugins but you should have several limitations.
- You have to use a password file and needs to restart the broker each time you updates it.
- You can interact with a Redis database but you can not customize inputs.
With this implementation, you are able to customize the authentication by matching the clientID and authorization by matching the subscribed or published topic.
DISCLAMER: this project contains part of moquette.io especially for decoding MQTT messages.
$> mvn clean compile assembly:single
$> java -jar target/wsmqttfwd-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
$> mvn clean compile assembly:single docker:build
$> docker run --rm -ti sylvek/websocket-mqtt-forwarder 8081 localhost 1883
You just have to implement a Server, init it and start it, like that:
final Server server = new Server();
server.initServer(8081, "localhost", 1883, null);
You can use the Paho JavaScript Client or whatever. This wrapper is non-intrusive and do not change anything if the client is allowed to communicate with the MQTT broker.
var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("ws://localhost:8081/mqtt", "clientID"
userName: "testuser",
password: "passwd",
onSuccess: function() {
console.log("onSuccess => subscribe to sensors/#");
The authentication layer checks the clientID that should be unique on the broker instance (see MQTT protocol reference). userName and password is not checked (it could be by the broker).
The authorization layer checks the topic names and the clientID.
You just have to implement a AuthenticationHandler.MqttListener
private AuthenticationHandler.MqttListener m_mqttListerner = new AuthenticationHandler.MqttListener() {
public boolean checkClientID(String clientID)
return false;
public boolean checkSubScribeTopic(String clientID, List<String> topic)
return false;
public boolean checkPublishTopic(String clientID, String topic)
return false;
public void onPing(String clientID)
And insert it during the initialization on the server instance.
final Server server = new Server();
server.initServer(8081, "localhost", 1883, m_mqttListerner);
Websocket MQTT Forwarder is a Netty proxy. It uses two handlers.
- AuthenticationHandler
- ForwardToMQTTBrokerHandler
The first one is in charge to check the authentication and authorization rights. It dispatches the ping event too.
The second is in charge to forward the messages between your MQTT Broker and the client.
You can easily customize it by using the pipelineChannel on Netty.
pipeline.addLast("httpEncoder", new HttpResponseEncoder());
pipeline.addLast("httpDecoder", new HttpRequestDecoder());
pipeline.addLast("aggregator", new HttpObjectAggregator(65536));
pipeline.addLast("webSocketHandler", new WebSocketServerProtocolHandler("/mqtt", "mqtt, mqttv3.1, mqttv3.1.1"));
pipeline.addLast("ws2bytebufDecoder", new WebSocketFrameToByteBufDecoder());
pipeline.addLast("bytebuf2wsEncoder", new ByteBufToWebSocketFrameEncoder());
pipeline.addLast("filter", new AuthenticationHandler(m_mqttListerner));
pipeline.addLast("forward", new ForwardToMQTTBrokerHandler(m_mqttBrokerHost, m_mqttBrokerPort));