This game started off as a weekend long Game Jam project while I was interning at Square. I decided to spend a couple more weeks to flesh out some more functionality for the game.
Divination is a fantasy card game played on the terminal. To play, clone this repo and compile the source code. You can do so with g++
g++ -o divination.out -g source/*.cpp -Iheaders -std=c++11
Now, simply run divination.out
from the command line and it will load the game. Cloning this repo should come with a default.deck
file that contains a list of available cards.
Divination is played with two players with access to the same terminal. Opposing players take turns playing cards, attacking the opponent, and using spells/abilities. Here is a list of commands:
help -- Display this message.
end -- End the current player's turn.
quit -- End the game.
attack minion target -- Orders minion to attack the target minion.
attack minion -- Orders minion to attack the opponent.
play card [player target] -- Play card, optionally targeting player's target minion.
use minion [player target] -- Use minion's special ability, optionally targeting player's target minion.
hand -- Describe all cards in your hand.
board -- Describe all cards on the board.
Here is a quick rundown of the rules / flow of the game:
- Each Player starts with 2 magic, 20 health and 4 Cards.
- Player 1 starts first.
- At the beginning of each turn (except the first), the active Player gains 1 magic and draws 1 card (if they can).
- A turn consists of any number of valid commands and lasts until the active Player types "end".
- The first Player to 0 health loses.
Magic: The resource used to play cards.
Graveyard: Contains the most recent Minion
that died for each Player.
Deathrattle: An effect that gets triggered when that specific Minion
Charges: The number of activations remaining for a Ritual
Resurrect: Bring a Minion
back to life with its base stats.
Summon: Create a Minion
and put it immediately into play (as long as there is room on the board).
Minions: The primary type of cards in Divination to defeat your opponent. Each turn (including the turn they are first played), a Minion
can either attack an opposing Minion
, or attack the opposing Player. When attacking another Minion
, each Minion
deals its damage to each other and is removed to the Graveyard
if its health falls to 0 or below.
Rituals: A special kind of card that has an inital cost, and an activation cost each time its special ability is triggered. Each player has room for one Ritual
at a time. Playing a Ritual
when one was already in play removes the older one.
Spells: One-time use cards that carry out the action described in its text.
Enchantments: A card that modifies the stats or capabilities of the selected Minion
. Any Enchantment
can be cast on either Player's Minion
, unless indicated otherwise. Enchantments
are applied in the same order they were played (if/when order matters).