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Find Me A Walk


Inspired by Oxfam Trailwalker volunteers, is a new mapping tool to help people locate popular walking trails nearby saving time, making it easy for poeple to get fit, get out and explore new places with friends.


Getting started

  • Check out this repo
  • First, npm install to install the dependencies
  • Then, npm start to run the development server
  • npm run test and flow check to run tests


  • public/ - anything in here is copied out to the production deploy. index.html is pretty much what is loaded when users hit the site
  • src/ - the meat of the app
    • api/ - external calls to services/api's
    • components/ - react components which make up the views, these are generally pretty dumb and just render the state they're given through the props
    • styles/ - css fun
    • index.js - the entry point, but that basically just renders App.js
    • App.js - probably where you'll want to start, contains the root react view
    • State.js - all the state for the app (current loaded walk, where we're looking, etc) as well as all the actions to modify that state, more in State down below
    • Types.js - Flow types for static type checking


Mobx has fairly in-depth docs, but the general gist is:

  • Pieces of state data are marked @observable
  • Anything which modifies these pieces of state are marked as @action.bound
    • the .bound part is so that references to this.whatever work properly
    • We're using strict mode, so anything that modifies state has to be in an action (just to keep everything in one place)
  • Reactions to state changing are performed in reaction(reactTo, action) blocks, where reactTo contains the pieces of state we want to react to when they change, and action is the action we want to take
  • If we just need to do react to something once, use when(reactTo, action), which works in a similar way to reaction but only fires once
  • @computed is used to create convenience properties which are computed from the state
  • intercept is used to change values in-flight, eg. we use it to normalize values

So as an example, we keep track of the current target length we want to search for, its Flow type is a number and it defaults to the constant DEFAULT_ROUTE_TARGET_LENGTH:

  @observable targetLength: number = DEFAULT_ROUTE_TARGET_LENGTH;

We have a few actions to change the target length

  @action.bound wantLongerWalk() {
    this.targetLength *= ROUTE_LENGTHENING_PERCENTAGE;

  @action.bound wantShorterWalk() {
    this.targetLength /= ROUTE_LENGTHENING_PERCENTAGE;

And when that target length changes we have a reaction to look for another walk closer to that length

      () => this.targetLength,
      () => this.findAnotherWalk(),
      { name: "Look for a new walk when we change target length" }


We love contributions! Pull Requests to fix bugs or implement anything on our Trello wishlist are very appreciated.

Pull Requests from local branches will be automatically deployed for testing by Travis (unfortunately we can't do this for remote branches).