Tool for create a mysql DB container.
If you have Docker and Docker-Composer installed go to step 3. If you want to execute the tool and the database was already loaded go to step 6.
- Docker and docker-compose installation. exucute:
$ cd SETUP
$ ./
IF the installation process ends successfully go to step 3. If not visite the Docker and docker-compose docs.
For brand new installation, first you must copy your .sql files into /scripts folder.For ensure execution order you must put in alphabetical order.
After .sql files copy into /scripts directory execute:
$ ./
WARNING! This will remove all local volumes not used by at least one container.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Total reclaimed space: 0B
Creating network "docker-mysql_default" with the default driver
Creating test-mysql ... done
The IP of MySQL Database is :
How can see, after execute the .sh command, the prompt print a message with the container IP.
Use for connect with MySQL database -
If you already executed the first 5 steps just execute this .sh:
$ ./
this ignores scripts/ path without execute any .sql file.
Por Stop the container execute:
$ ./
User root = root
Password = mypassword
- Make sure to stop the
- Sorry for my english.