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ci: add win32 workflow #7

ci: add win32 workflow

ci: add win32 workflow #7

name: Vader Integration Tests (Win32)
branches: [master]
branches: [master]
runs-on: windows-2019
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install Vim and Neovim
run: |
choco install vim neovim
- name: Download Dependencies
run: |
git clone
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "c-worksheet-instrumentor-0.2.6.tar"
tar -xf c-worksheet-instrumentor-0.2.6.tar
- name: Setup Vim Config init.vim
run: |
$vimrc = @"
set rtp+=vader.vim
set rtp+=.
filetype plugin indent on
" Win32: set .bat
let g:cworksheetify_server_command = "c-worksheetify-server.bat"
$vimrc | Out-File -FilePath init.vim
- name: Demonstrate C Worksheet
run: |
# Uploaded release compiled with recent Java.
$env:JAVA_HOME = $env:JAVA_HOME_21_X64
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("Hello World\n");
"@ | Out-File -FilePath hello.c
./c-worksheet-instrumentor-0.2.6/bin/c-worksheet-instrumentor.bat hello.c
- name: Test Vim
run: |
# Uploaded release compiled with recent Java.
$env:JAVA_HOME = $env:JAVA_HOME_21_X64
$env:PATH = "c-worksheet-instrumentor-0.2.6\\bin;$env:PATH"
vim -Es -Nu init.vim -c 'silent Vader! test\\*.vader'
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Kill Server
run: |
taskkill /im "edu.nus.worksheet.WorksheetifyServer.exe" /f | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
- name: Test Vim (with bad c-worksheetify-server)
run: |
$env:PATH = "test\\bad_server_command;$env:PATH"
vim -Es -Nu init.vim -c 'silent Vader! test/bad_server_command/*.vader'
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Test Vim (with c-worksheetify-server not on PATH)
run: |
vim -Es -Nu init.vim -c 'silent Vader! test/command_not_found/*.vader'
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Test NeoVim
run: |
# Uploaded release compiled with recent Java.
$env:JAVA_HOME = $env:JAVA_HOME_21_X64
$env:PATH = "c-worksheet-instrumentor-0.2.6\\bin;$env:PATH"
nvim -Es -u init.vim -c 'silent Vader! test/*.vader'
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Kill Server
run: |
taskkill /im "edu.nus.worksheet.WorksheetifyServer.exe" /f | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
- name: Test NeoVim (with bad c-worksheetify-server)
run: |
$env:PATH = "test\\bad_server_command;$env:PATH"
nvim -Es -u init.vim -c 'silent Vader! test/bad_server_command/*.vader'
timeout-minutes: 2
- name: Test NeoVim (with bad c-worksheetify-server)
run: |
$env:PATH = "test\\bad_server_command;$env:PATH"
nvim -Es -u init.vim -c 'silent Vader! test/bad_server_command/*.vader'
timeout-minutes: 2