- Contains Solc compiler, Ethereum, testrpc, Truffle
- Create a DAPPS folder in ~ (it will be synced to /home/vagrant/DAPPS)
> cd ~
> mkdir DAPPS
- Get the vagrant box:
> git clone https://github.com/rgazo/truffle-vagrant-env.git
- Start the vagrant box and log in
> cd truffle-vagrant-env
> vagrant up
> vagrant ssh
- Crate your first DApp
> cd DAPPS
> mkdir first
> cd first
> truffle init
This will create a test project using Truffle framework with some demo contracts (check out the newly created folders).
In a separate window log in to vagrant
> vagrant ssh
Start testrpc
> textrpc
Here you will see what your contracts ar doing.
You can deploy the truffle demo (MetaCoin) or delete the demo and create your own contracts. To deploy:
> truffle deploy
Switch to the testrpc window to see what is happening on the Ethereum test client.