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Revar Desmera edited this page Dec 31, 2011 · 6 revisions

Mandoline is a lightning-fast command-line program that slices 3D files into toolpaths for home-build thermoplastic-extrusion 3D printers like the RepRap or MakerBot. It can currently parse 3D input files in .STL binary or ASCII formats. Output is in G-Code formatted files.

At the moment it doesn't yet output optimized toolpaths, so it's a beta state progress demo, really.

You can dump SVG files for each layer, for debugging purposes. What is implemented is the basic carve and interior infill. And that's buggy. It won't do cooling or comb or filament retraction yet.

What is implemented, though, is pretty fast. Don't take my word for it. Download the code and compile it, and slice a complex STL file with it. If comparing it to another slicer, compare the Carve, Inset, Raft and Infill times.


  mandoline [OPTIONS] FILE
  mandoline -m MATERIAL [OPTIONS] FILE

Options include:

    -m STRING   Extruded material. (default ABS)
    -f FLOAT    Filament diameter. (default 3.0 mm)
    -F FLOAT    Filament feedrate. (default 0.689 mm/s)
    -i FLOAT    Infill density. (default 0.20)
    -l FLOAT    Slicing layer thickness. (default 0.36 mm)
    -p INT      Number of perimeter shell layers. (default 2)
    -r INT      Number of Raft layers. (default 2)
    -w FLOAT    Extrusion width over thickness ratio. (default 1.75)
    -c          DON'T center model on platform before slicing.
    -S FLOAT    Scale model.  (default 1x)
    -R FLOAT    Rotate model about Z.  (default 0 deg)
    -d PREFIX   Dump layers to SVG files with names like PREFIX-12.34.svg.
    -t INT      Number of threads to slice with. (default 8)
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