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Databricks SCIM Automation



This application automates the steps described in this Azure documentation to configure a Databricks SCIM provisioning for AAD. The app creates a service principal from a SCIM Connector Gallery App that syncs users in an AAD group to a specified Databricks workspace. It then creates and starts an initial sync job.

The app uses beta Microsoft Graph APIs.


  • Create a single SCIM app and execute initial sync job via CLI.
  • Create multiple SCIM apps from a csv file and execute all initial sync jobs via CLI.
  • Create a single SCIM app and execute initial sync job via GUI.


  • Azure subscription with permissions to create:
    • Resource Groups, Service Principals, and Key Vault
  • App registration with permissions to use:
    • Microsoft Graph API
    • Databricks API
  • At least one instance created of:
    • Azure Databricks
    • a non-empty AAD Group created
  • Azure CLI (download)
  • Node for CLI/GUI 12.18.4+ (download)

Setup Infrastructure with CLI (bash)

Login to Azure and select subscription

az login

# show your Azure accounts
az account list -o table

# select the Azure subscription if necessary
az account set -s {subscription name or Id}

Choose a unique DNS name (for Azure Key Vault)

# this will be the prefix for all resources
# only use a-z and 0-9 - do not include punctuation or uppercase characters
# must be at least 5 characters long
# must start with a-z (only lowercase)
export SCIM_Name=your_unique_name

### if nslookup doesn't fail to resolve, change He_Name
nslookup ${SCIM_Name}

Create Resource Group

# set location
export SCIM_Location=centralus

# set resource group name
export SCIM_App_RG=${SCIM_Name}-rg-app

# create resource group
az group create -n $SCIM_App_RG -l $SCIM_Location

Create Azure Key Vault

## create the Key Vault
az keyvault create -g $SCIM_App_RG -n $SCIM_Name-kv

Create App Registration and add Azure Key Vault secrets

# create a Service Principal and add password to Key Vault
az keyvault secret set -o table --vault-name $SCIM_Name-kv --name "AppClientSecret" --value $(az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n http://${SCIM_Name}-scim-app-sp --query password -o tsv)

# add Service Principal ID to Key Vault
az keyvault secret set -o table --vault-name $SCIM_Name-kv --name "AppClientID" --value $(az ad sp show --id http://${SCIM_Name}-scim-app-sp --query appId -o tsv)

# add tenant ID to Key Vault
az keyvault secret set -o table --vault-name $SCIM_Name-kv --name "TenantID" --value $(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)

Configure Environment and Permissions

Update required environment variables.

# ensure you are in the /src/app directory
cd ./src/app

# copy .env-sample and rename to .env
cp .env-sample .env

# update .env file variables as needed
# GALLERY_APP_TEMPLATE_ID and SCIM_TEMPLATE_ID are already configured for the Databricks SCIM Connector

# set KEYVAULT_URL in .env file to
echo https://${SCIM_Name}

# PORT is optional (default 1337)

# set the environment variables
source ./.env

Validate User Assigned Roles

To successfully run the application, user needs the following Assigned Role.

  • Application administrator

Configure App Registration

# retrieve App Registration AppId from Key Vault
export SCIM_SP_ID='az keyvault secret show -o tsv --query value --vault-name $SCIM_Name-kv --name AppClientID'

# make sure the PORT variable is set to the same one in the .env file
echo $PORT

# add redirect uri and allow implicit grant flow with access tokens for OAuth 2
az ad app update --id $(eval $SCIM_SP_ID) --reply-urls http://localhost:${PORT} --oauth2-allow-implicit-flow true

Add required permissions to the App Registration

To successfully call the required Microsoft Graph and Azure Databricks API's, the following API permissions are required:

  • Microsoft Graph (Delegated permissions):
    • Directory.Read.All
    • AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All
    • Application.ReadWrite.All
  • Azure Databricks (API Name: AzureDatabricks, Delegated permissions):
    • user_impersonation
# make sure you are in the root directory of the repo
cd ../../

# the permissions listed above are specified in the permissions.json file located in the root directory of the repo
# apply the API permissions
az ad app update --id $(eval $SCIM_SP_ID) --required-resource-accesses @permissions.json

Accessing Key Vault Secrets

  • To view and use the KeyVault secrets with a user or service principal, the target user or service principal needs to be added to the Access Policy of that Key Vault.
  • Only users with read and list access to the Key Vault will be able to successfully run this app.

Add users or service prinicpals to Key Vault Access Policy

# grant Key Vault access to a user or service principal
az keyvault set-policy -n $SCIM_Name-kv --secret-permissions get list --key-permissions get list --object-id $(az ad user show --query objectId -o tsv --id {user email address or service principal AppId})

Run the application

See instructions on running the app here


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