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restsend client sdk

RestSend is a secure instant messaging system, with the server written in Go:

  • Unit test coverage is over 80%
  • Supports millions of concurrent connections on a single machine and supports cluster deployment
  • High-reliability protocol design, supporting reliable message transmission
  • Based on synchronous protocol design
  • Complete OpenAPI and Webhook support, the server supports various forms of extensions:
  • Avatar generation
  • Highly extensible account and permission system, no need to migrate existing user systems
  • Flow control and content detection
  • SDK is written in Rust, providing SDK implementations for Android, iOS, and WASM, capable of rendering 100,000 sessions on a single machine
  • Code can be managed with go module and can be directly embedded into existing Go projects

For testing, you can visit the online demo or contact me at: [email protected]

The RestSend client SDK is written in Rust, providing SDK implementations for Android and iOS. It requires a Rust version of at least 1.85.0. If the version is lower, please update Rust using rustup update. Check the Rust version:

mpi@mpis-Mac-mini restsend-sdk % rustc --version
rustc 1.85.0 (4d91de4e4 2025-02-17)

Code Dependencies and Environment Preparation

  • Requires rust 1.72.0 (5680fa18f 2023-08-23) or higher, and setting up to speed up compilation

  • For iOS, prepare the development environment (for M1/M2):

      rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios aarch64-apple-ios-sim x86_64-apple-darwin
  • For Android, prepare the development environment: Install NDK and set the NDK_HOME environment variable to point to the NDK installation directory.

    1. Download NDK from NDK download page - wget "" - Extract the NDK directory and modify the .profile file to add the environment variable:

      export NDK_HOME=/home/xxx/ndk/android-ndk-r25c
    2. Add Android toolchain to cargo

      cargo install cargo-ndk
      rustup target add aarch64-linux-android x86_64-linux-android

Compile for iOS

Tested only on M2 machines, please use an M2 machine for compilation.

  • Development test version: Simulator

      # Add to Podfile in Xcode project
      pod 'restsendSdk', :path => '../restsend-rs'
    1. compile the Rust library

      cargo build --target aarch64-apple-ios-sim
      # For x86 Mac machines
      cargo build  --target x86_64-apple-darwin 
    2. Compile the Swift binding code

      cargo run --bin bindgen -- --language swift
  • Release version:

    cargo build --release --target aarch64-apple-ios-sim --target aarch64-apple-ios --target x86_64-apple-darwin
    cargo run --release --bin bindgen -- --language swift

    To release the official pod version:

     cargo run --release --bin bindgen -- --language swift -p true

Compile for Wasm

It is recommended to use Node version 20 or above.

First, manually download the wasm-opt tool from binaryen and place it in the PATH. Download from: After extraction, place wasm-opt in the PATH, for example, in the /usr/local/bin directory.

 cargo install wasm-pack wasm-bindgen-cli
 cd crates/restsend-wasm
 npm install --force
 # For Linux/WSL, install dependencies first
 # npx playwright install-deps
 npx playwright install webkit
 npm run build

Compile for Android

Tested only on M2 machines, currently only supports ARM simulators, x86_64 simulators are pending. First, configure the NDK directory to point to the NDK, for example, if downloaded to ~/ndk directory:

export NDK_HOME=$HOME/ndk
cargo ndk -t arm64-v8a build --release
cargo run --release --bin bindgen -- --language kotlin 
cargo ndk -t arm64-v8a -o ./jniLibs build --release

cd android-sdk
# test
# gradle connectedAndroidTest

gradle assembleRelease

# for Publish aar
gradle buildAndDeploy

How to Test

  • For cargo development phase testing, test on PC:

    cargo test
  • Rust version demo requires a GUI environment, such as Windows/Mac to run

    cargo run -p demo

Android Configuration

  • In app/build.gradle, add JNA support using AAR to automatically compile the required .so files

      dependencies {
              implementation ''
  • In AndroidManifest.xml, add storage and network permissions

              <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
              <application ...>