This document explains how the Resilient discovery interface works and should be implemented by compatible servers.
Since new versions of Resilient you can communicate with non-compatible lookup servers via middleware adapters. For instance you can use Consul with Resilient via its middleware
You can take a look to the discovery server algorithm graph here
The following API must be implemented by any of the discovery server consumed by Resilient
Resilient will perform a HTTP request to the configured discovery servers in order to retrieve the service servers URLs.
It could perform a request to a custom path, transport any HTTP header and use any HTTP verb. Resilient it's really flexible and configurable to define how the discovery request should be performed from the client
Discovery servers must be always a valid URL, including the protocol schema
Using the JavaScript Resilient client:
var client = Resilient({
discovery: {
// define the discovery servers list
servers: ['', '']
// transport custom headers, for example to authenticate
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'API-Token': 'd1964f12ff0388cc897d22b717d0fc3861df8063'
// use POST to retrieve the servers list (default GET)
method: 'POST'
When Resilient ask to a discovery server, it should return a valid JSON array of strings which contains a valid URL schema
Content-Type: application/json
It should return an array of strings which implements the following JSON schema
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"require": true,
"patternProperties": "^(?:([^:\/?#]+):\/\/)?((?:([^\/?#@]*)@)?([^\/?#:]*)(?:\:(\d*))?)?"
"minItems": 0,
"uniqueItems": true
- Resilient Server - Dummy HTTP server fully compatible with the Resilient discovery protocol for testing/development
- Consul - Via middleware
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