Website to put an end to the Society of St. Tammany in New York City. In short, we want to remove money from politics lowering the cost of entry to almost zero.
This is built using OpenData, and as much as possible Open Source and Free (as Freedom) Software. To get started, just follow the instructions here:
This project is broken up in various reposatories.
DevSetup: Contains all the scripts to run the RepMyBlock system on your home machine. This is were the project starts. This is the place where to start download.
A good place to start getting acquainted with the code is fixing the bugs listed here:
Utilities: Contains all the utilities needed to normalize the voter lists.
Website: It's the website.
mobile_ios: The various IOS applications.
mobile_android: The various Android applications.
The process is a little bit all over the place but if you can help, download the DevSetup disk and D/M me.
You can watch the whole documentary on PBS:
If you know or wish to learn PHP, HTML, CSS, Swift, and start developing, go to the Wiki of the Dev Setup on how to configure the Virtual Machine environment.
This is a video explaining the problem:
This is how the meeting goes around in about 3000 counties around the United States.
A photo gallery of the 2019 Manhattan Meeting.