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Detailed examples demonstrating cross-platform building with Bazel


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Detailed examples demonstrating cross-platform building with Bazel

Work In Progress. All examples have been tested on OS X; running on Linux or Windows may require some tweak. The documentation needs work but should be helpful.

how it works


  1. Build/install the toolchain.

  2. Configure the toolchain for Bazel.

  3. Build the third-party libs needed by your app.

  4. Configure the third-party libraries for Bazel.

  5. Configure your application.

step 1: build/install the toolchain

The examples use crosstool-NG and the Android NDK.

step 2: configure the toolchain for Bazel

  • Define a new_local_repository in the WORKSPACE file in your project root directory. This demo uses the convention toolchain_<target> to name this repository. Its path points to the toolchain root directory; build_file points to the BUILD file that integrates the toolchain resources into Bazel’s crosstool build mechanism.

  • The build_file associated with the toolchain_<target> repository, which we call platforms/<target>/toolchain.BUILD, contains filegroup definitions that will be used by the toolchain definition.

  • The toolchain definition is split across two files, a CROSSTOOL file and a BUILD file; these must go in the same directory. This demo puts these in platforms/<target>/.

    • platforms/<target>/BUILD contains (at least) two "rules":

      • cc_toolchain_suite (whose name by convention is "toolchain"), allows you to specify multiple toolchains; a toolchain is selected by --cpu and --compiler.

      • cc_toolchain integrates the toolchain definition (in the CROSSTOOL file) into Bazel’s build mechanism. All files needed for a build must be explicitly specified to Bazel. For application builds, this is done in a BUILD file using e.g. deps, srcs, etc. But the requirement also applies to the system files (headers, archives, libs, etc.) used by the compiler and other build tools. cc_toolchain does this by refering to the filegroups defined in toolchain.BUILD. These must correspond to the toolchain resources specified in platforms/<target>/CROSSTOOL For details, see …​

    • platforms/<target>/CROSSTOOL contains toolchain definitions proper. Toolchain definitions specify paths to programs (gcc, ar, etc.), tool flags (e.g. compiler and linker flags), and paths for include and library searches.

Toolchain resources are thus specified in two places. CROSSTOOL refers to them using filesystem paths. toolchain.BUILD defines Bazel filegroups that refer to them as well; this is what brings them into the Bazel build mechanism (sandboxing, etc.).

step 3: build the third-party libs needed by your app

This demo uses ncurses 5.9 and cdk 5 (Curses Development Kit)

We do not want to install third-party libs into the toolchain’s sysroot; instead we put them in a separate directory. Since this directory complements the sysroot in the toolchain, we call it $HOME/cosysroots/<target>.

step 4: configure third-party libs for Bazel

Since we installed our third-party libraries outside of the toolchain, they are not yet available for use in builds. For that we need to:

  • Create a new_local_repository in WORKSPACE. By convention we name this cosysroot_<target>. The path should point to the directory created in step 3. The build_file will define the libraries etc. that we want to use in our application; by convention we name this platforms/<target>/cosysroot.BUILD.

  • Write platforms/<target>/cosysroot.BUILD. Note this does not refer to the cosysroot used by the toolchain, which is located in the toolchain’s directory tree. This file contains cc_library definitions for the third-party libraries we need. This integrates them into the Bazel build system.

step 5: configure your application

The third-party libs configured in step 4 are available to your application via normal Bazel labels, e.g. @cosysroot_<target>//:cdk. The directories in this package become available as external/cosysroot_<target>/usr/include, etc.

You will also need to explicitly list the directories your app targets need; e.g. copts = ["-Iexternal/cosysroot_<target>/usr/local/include"]


android ndk

Bazel has builtin android rules (android_binary, android_library), which you would normally use for targeting android. But you can also target android (that is, the Linux platform that android runs on) with cc_* rules by passing --crosstool_top and --android_crosstool_top.

Bazel’s builtin toolchains for android_* rules are broken; they pull in the wrong headers. You need to use --crosstool_top=//platforms/ndk:toolchain and --android_crosstool_top=//platforms/ndk:toolchain.

default target is arm; to target x86 (much faster emulation): build --fat_apk_cpu=x86 # default: --android_compiler=clang3.8

See tools/bazel.rc for more information.

Then ndk contains multiple sysroots, headers, etc. See

"The compile time sysroot is now $NDK/sysroot. Previously this was $NDK/platforms/android-$API/arch-$ARCH."

API Level Version 23 6 (Marshmellow)

$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/build/tools/ --arch arm --api 23 --install-dir /tmp/android-23-tc


Restartable builds: see In menuconfig:

Paths and misc options  -->
    [*] Debug crosstool-NG
    [*]   Save intermediate steps

Build cmd:

$ bazel build -s --verbose_failures --sandbox_debug --crosstool_top=platforms/rpi3b --cpu=armv8


You will have to create a disk image (dmg file) with a case-sensitive file system; see Cross Compiling on Mac OSX for Raspberry Pi for an example.


If you use the homebrew version of crosstools-NG you may get errors like: /usr/local/bin/ct-ng: line 7: MAKEFLAGS: command not found so install from the sources.

When you run ct-ng build you may get an error when it tries to compile gettext:

Installing gettext for host
[EXTRA]    Configuring gettext
[EXTRA]    Building gettext
[ERROR] error: version mismatch.  This is Automake 1.15.1,

Obviously whether you get this depends on the versions of the (host) build tools you have installed and those assumed by the gettext sources in (<ctng>/build/.build/src/gettext- in this case)

This can be dealt with by either selecting an earlier version of gettext (using menuconfig) or by running autoreconf in the gettext sources. See also crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng#770

You may also get an error on cross-gdb, where libtool complains about min and max. This is because the gdb makefile uses g++ to compile c code, and the min and max macros clash with cxx, to the tools helpfully undef those macros. The workaround is to edit


Add -x c wherever you find -c (lines 103, 1222, 2747. This forces g++ to treat c code as c code; since all the sources are in c, this is fine. After making those edits, restart $ ct-ng debug+

raspberry pi

For your crosstool-ng build config, be sure to set the kernel version appropriately in menuconfig. Otherwise when you crossbuild libraries you may get "FATAL: kernel too old". Also use --kernel-version when running ./configure to cross-compile

On the pi: $ uname -r

Check the HW: $ lscpu or $ cat /proc/cpuinfo or $ uname -a

[INFO ] Installing final gcc compiler [ERROR] clang: error: unsupported option '-print-multi-os-directory' [ERROR] clang: error: no input files [INFO ] Installing final gcc compiler: done in 444.15s (at 38:32)

The clang error does not seem to matter

gdb fail: see pfalcon/esp-open-sdk#254


To demonstrate how to cross-build with a third-party dependency.

raspberry pi 3b

Raspberry Pi 3b comes with but not the dev headers.

$ find /lib -name libncurses*

We can install the dev version on the Pi (sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev) but the goal is to build on our host (macOS) so we need to crosscompile ncurses and add it to the toolchain cosysroot.

macOS build tuple: x86_64-apple-darwin


$ export PATH="${PATH}:/Volumes/CrossToolNG/armv8-rpi3-linux-gnueabihf/bin"
$ export COSYSROOT=$HOME/cosysroots/rpi3b

Adjusted to match rpi3b builtin ncurses settings:


-P Inhibit generation of linemarkers in the output from the preprocessor

$ ./configure --build=x86_64-apple-darwin \
              --host=armv8-rpi3-linux-gnueabihf \
              --enable-kernel=4.9.35 \
              --prefix=/usr \
	      --with-terminfo-dirs="/etc/terminfo:/lib/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo" \
	      --with-default-terminfo-dir="/etc/terminfo" \
	      --mandir="/usr/share/man" \
	      --without-manpages \
	      --with-shared \
	      --libdir="/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf" \
$ make
$ make DESTDIR=$COSYSROOT install

cdk: we installed ncurses in cosysroots/rpi3b, so we need to fix CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS:

$ ./configure --build=x86_64-apple-darwin \
              --host=armv8-rpi3-linux-gnueabihf \
              --enable-kernel=4.9.35 \
              --prefix=/usr \
	      --with-terminfo-dirs="/etc/terminfo:/lib/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo" \
	      --with-default-terminfo-dir="/etc/terminfo" \
	      --mandir="/usr/share/man" \
	      --without-manpages \
	      --libdir="/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf" \
              CPPFLAGS="-P -I$COSYSROOT/usr/include" \
$ make
$ make DESTDIR=$COSYSROOT install

Now we just need to declare $COSYSROOT as an external bazel repo in our WORKSPACE file.

Terminfo stuff

Once you move your pgm to the target host, you’ll need to get the terminfo stuff right. ncurses will search for terminfo stuff in a few places and the Pi might not have the stuff. In which case you’ll get:

Error opening terminal: linux.

$ echo $TERM ⇒ linux

$ less /etc/terminfo/README

Run ncurses5-config --terminfo-dirs to see the Pi’s builtin terminfo search path. (But note that ncurses will look first in $HOME/.terminfo) Run the version that comes with the Pi and you’ll see /etc/terminfo:/lib/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo. Run your cross-compiled version and you’ll see /usr/share/terminfo.

Use strace to see where your pgm is looking for the terminfo stuff:

$ strace ./hello-world
... bunch o' stuff ...
stat64("/home/pi/.terminfo", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
access("/home/pi/.terminfo/l/linux", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat64("/usr/share/terminfo", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
access("/usr/share/terminfo/l/linux", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
write(2, "Error opening terminal: linux.\n", 31Error opening terminal: linux.

Notice that it does not look in /etc/terminfo. If you look in /usr/share/terminfo/l, you’ll see a bunch of terminfo entries for linux, like linux2.6 but not one named just "linux". Where’s the linux entry? In /lib/terminfo/l, of course.

So there are two ways to fix this. One is to recompile your code, configuring ncurses to search /lib/terminfo:

--with-terminfo-dirs=XXX specify list of terminfo directories (default: DATADIR/terminfo)
--with-default-terminfo-dir=DIR default terminfo directory (default: DATADIR/terminfo)

(ncurses5-config --datadir will print the datadir used to compile ncurses)

The quick and dirty way is to copy /lib/terminfo/l/linux to $HOME/.terminfo/l

Intel IoT Gateways

ncurses not installed by default, but the terminfo stuff is all there: /etc/terminfo, /usr/share/terminfo

crosstool-ng toolchain: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Do this in a fresh terminal:

$ export PATH="${PATH}:/your/toolchain/path/bin"

Build the toolchain, then copy the sysroot to the staging dir:

$ cp -a $(x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc --your-cflags-except-sysroot -print-sysroot) \
# e.g.
$ cp -a $(/Volumes/CrossToolNG/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -print-sysroot) $HOME/cosysroots/wrlinux

Now we can cross-build third-party libs and install them to $HOME/cosysroots/wrlinux

$ export COSYSROOT=$HOME/cosysroots/wrlinux

libncurses is preinstalled on wrlinux in /lib64, so we need --libdir; but the tools/headers are not installed

the file on the gateway is missing at least one symbol nc_disable_period. two of the programs (tic, infocmp) need this and will not run; others work ok (clear, toe).
$ ./configure --build=x86_64-apple-darwin \
              --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
              --enable-kernel=3.14.58 \
	      --without-manpages \
              --prefix=/ \
	      --mandir="/usr/share/man" \
	      --includedir="/usr/include" \
	      --bindir="/usr/bin" \
	      --libdir="/lib64" \
	      --with-terminfo-dirs="/etc/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo" \
	      --with-default-terminfo-dir="/etc/terminfo" \
              CPPFLAGS="-P -I$COSYSROOT/usr/include" \
	      LDFLAGS="-L$COSYSROOT/lib64 \
$ make
$ make DESTDIR=$COSYSROOT install


$ ./configure --build=x86_64-apple-darwin \
              --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
              --enable-kernel=3.14.58 \
	      --without-manpages \
              CPPFLAGS="-P -I$COSYSROOT/usr/include" \
	      LDFLAGS="-L$COSYSROOT/lib64 \
$ make
$ make DESTDIR=$COSYSROOT install


Detailed examples demonstrating cross-platform building with Bazel







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