Watchman is your friend who monitors your processes so you don't have to.
gem "rt-watchman", :require => "watchman"
First, set up the host and the port of the metrics server: = "localhost"
Watchman.port = 22345
To submit a value to statsd from your service use:
Watchman.submit(name, value, type)
Available types:
- :gauge
- :timing
- :count
Submitting a simple gauge value from your service would look like:
Watchman.submit("number.of.kittens", 30)
To benchmark a part of your service:
Watchman.benchmark("") do
puts "Sleeping"
sleep 10
puts "Wake up"
To submit a time value in milliseconds use:
Watchman.submit("number.of.kittens", 30, :timing)
To submit a count value use:
# To increse:
# or decrese:
Alternatively you can use:
# To increse:
Watchman.submit("number.of.kittens", 1, :count)
# or decrese:
Watchman.submit("number.of.kittens", -1, :count)
to achieve the equivalent effect, with the added possibility of tweaking the value.
If you want to use a variable that changes often, don't use this:
Watchman.submit("user.#{id}", 30)
Use tags. A list of tags is an optional last parameter of :submit
, :benchmark
and :decrement
Watchman.submit("user", 30, tags: [id])
Tags list is limited to 3 values.
In case you want your metrics to be formated with cloudwatch style taggs, you need to provide tags in this style
Watchman.submit("age.of.kittens", 30, :timing, :tags => ["tag:a"])
If you want to prepend all the metric names with a prefix, do the following:
Watchman.prefix = "production.server1"
Then, all your metrics will be saved with that prefix. For example:
Watchman.submit("high.score", 100) # => production.server1.high.score = 100
If you want to filter metrics based on some condition, do the foloowing:
Watchman.do_filter = true
Then none of the metrics without options flag external
will be ignored and
only metrics like the following will be sent out:
Watchman.submit("number.of.puppies", 3, :gauge, {external: true})
In tests you can set the following:
Watchman.test_mode = true
That way watchman will use a stubbed client, and won't send any data to the metric server.
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.