is VS Code running on a remote server, accessible through the browser.
I saw this Idea in a Christiaan Hees post and made some adjustments to get the procedure done faster.
This script runs the latest version of code-server (VS Code) with just one command.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
First run, you will have to select the settings. This screen will create a configuration file in "~/ .config/code-server/config.yaml"
New executions, you will be asked if you want to use the settings already saved or if you want to create new ones.
password: (Random string or Custom Password)
info Using config file ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
info Using user-data-dir ~/.local/share/code-server
info code-server 3.4.1 48f7c2724827e526eeaa6c2c151c520f48a61259
info HTTP server listening on
info - Using password from ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
info - To disable use `--auth none`
info - Not serving HTTPS
If you are using the local machine, simply access the Localhost address.
In Google Cloud Shell click the Web Preview icon and select Preview on port 8080.
I recommend using Boost Mode in Cloud Shell before running
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.