Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines |
A declarative and axios based retrofit implementation for JavaScript and TypeScript.
$ npm i ts-retrofit
import {
GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, BasePath, Header, Queries, Query,
Headers, Path, QueryMap, Body, FormUrlEncoded, Field, FieldMap,
BaseService, ServiceBuilder, Response
} from "ts-retrofit";
export const TEST_SERVER_HOST = "http://localhost";
export const TEST_SERVER_PORT = 12345;
export const API_PREFIX = "/api/v1";
export const TOKEN = "abcdef123456";
export interface IUser {
id?: number;
name: string;
age: number;
[x: string]: any;
export interface ISearchQuery {
title?: string;
author?: string;
category?: string;
export interface IAuth {
username: string;
password: string;
export interface IPost {
title: string;
content: string;
export class UserService extends BaseService {
async getUsers(@Header("X-Token") token: string): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async getUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Path("userId") userId: number): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async createUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Body user: IUser): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async replaceUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Path("userId") userId: number, @Body user: IUser): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async updateUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Path("userId") userId: number, @Body user: Partial<IUser>): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async deleteUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Path("userId") userId: number): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async headUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Path("userId") userId: number): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async optionsUser(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @Path("userId") userId: number): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
export class SearchService extends BaseService {
async search(@Header("X-Token") token: string, @QueryMap query: ISearchQuery): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
export class AuthService extends BaseService {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept": "application/json"
async auth(@Body body: IAuth): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
export class PostService extends BaseService {
page: 1,
size: 20,
sort: "createdAt:desc",
async getPosts(): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
page: 1,
size: 20,
sort: "createdAt:desc",
async getPosts1(@Query('group') group: string): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async createPost(@Field("title") title: string, @Field("content") content: string): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async createPost2(@FieldMap post: IPost): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
export class FileService extends BaseService {
async upload(@Part("bucket") bucket: PartDescriptor<string>, @Part("file") file: PartDescriptor<Buffer>): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
async uploadMulti(@Part("bucket") bucket: PartDescriptor<string>, @Part("files") files: PartDescriptor<Buffer>[]): Promise<Response> { return <Response> {} };
(async () => {
const userService = new ServiceBuilder()
const response = await userService.getUsers(TOKEN);
// use ...
See test to get more examples.
Category | Name | Description | Decorator Position | Example |
HTTP Method | @GET | GET Method | Method | @GET("/users") |
HTTP Method | @POST | POST Method | Method | @POST("/users") |
HTTP Method | @PUT | PUT Method | Method | @PUT("/users/{userId}") |
HTTP Method | @PATCH | PATCH Method | Method | @PATCH("/users/{userId}") |
HTTP Method | @DELETE | DELETE Method | Method | @DELETE("/users/{userId}") |
HTTP Method | @HEAD | HEAD Method | Method | @HEAD("/users/{userId}") |
HTTP Method | @OPTIONS | OPTIONS Method | Method | @OPTIONS("/users/{userId}") |
Base Path | @BasePath | Specifying the base path of a series of API endpoints | Class | @BasePath("/api/v1") |
Static Headers | @Headers | Specifying the static headers of API endpoint | Method | @Headers({ "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "application/json" }) |
Header Parameter | @Header | Parameterized header | Method Parameter | @Header("X-Token") |
Header Parameters | @HeaderMap | Parameterized header | Method Parameter | @HeaderMap |
Path Parameter | @Path | Specifying parameter in path of API | Method Parameter | @PathParam("userId") |
Body | @Body | Specifying body data | Method Parameter | @Body |
Static Query | @Queries | Specifying static query data | Method | @Queries({ page: 1, size: 20, sort: "createdAt:desc" }) |
Query Parameter | @Query | Parameterized query | Method Parameter | @Query("group") |
Query Parameters | @QueryMap | Parameterized query | Method Parameter | @QueryMap |
Static Headers | @FormUrlEncoded | Specifying "content-type" to be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | Method | @FormUrlEncoded |
Field Parameter | @Field | Specifying field in method parameter, only effective when method has been decorated by @FormUrlEncoded | Method Parameter | @Field("name") |
Field Parameters | @FieldMap | Specifying field map in method parameter, only effective when method has been decorated by @FormUrlEncoded | Method Parameter | @FieldMap |
Static Headers | @Multipart | Specifying "content-type" to be "multipart/form-data" | Method | @Multipart |
Part Parameters | @Part | Specifying field map in method parameter, only effective when method has been decorated by @Multipart | Method Parameter | @Part("name") |
Response | @ResponseType | Specifying the response type in axios config | Method | @ResponseType("stream") |
$ npm test