Toolchest is a collection of generally useful functions that can be reused in various settings.
Find the most recent documentation at
This library only supports python 3. Some features may still work with python 2.7 but not all of the syntax and features may be compatible. Prettytable can be used, but is optional.
toolchest is available on PyPI; it can be installed by running::
pip install toolchest
Alternatively, one could also clone this repository and run::
pip install --editable .
toolchest supports both standard python virtual environment setups and pipenv, which is integrated into our Makefile. To set up a pipenv-based development enironment, you can simply run::
make dev
This will install our dev environment for the package via pipenv. It is installed with --user, so it does not affect your site-packages. Pipenv creates a unique virtualenv for us, which you can activate via::
pipenv shell
See the pipenv documentation for more detail.
If you prefer to use pip directly in your venv, specify the following requirements files:
- requirements.txt
- test-requirements.txt
There is also a dist-requirements.txt, if you will be building the project for distribution.
To build the documentation on your checkout, simply run::
make docs
Alternatively, to install via pip directly, include the following requirements files:
- requirements.txt
- docs-requirements.txt
All new code should include tests that exercise the code and prove that it works, or fixes the bug you are trying to fix. Any Pull Request without tests will not be accepted. See CONTRIBUTING.rst for more details.
If you wish to build a local package for testing at any time, you can simply run::
make dist
this will build a package with a .dev extension that you can install for testing and verification.
This code contains a derivative work of 'rpmvercmp' from RPM 4.14.1.