Just a plain and simple bash script whit namp amied to make life easier for who do CTF or Boxes ecc and split the porcess in two phases
- Tcp scan only
- NSE modules scans whit port found
when the box or test target has few open ports there are no problem but when there a bit more of open ports hanging , specially in AD targets , the whole thing get a little annoing
Since the "2 phase" it far more precise and accurate , i chose to build this one run script to do both , insted to do each time silly onliners ... run this add your target IP end.
for the TCP scan i used a simple -p-
and --min-rate
set to 10000 which at least on my machine will be more fast the -T4
and stay accurate
( Out of 10 htb box 8/9 scan results are precise whiteout miss a port but some time very very rare time it can happen that miss some ports , so im may ill add --max-rtt-timeout
which around 20000ms it solve the issuse while stay fast )
insteas for the NSE scans i used the more classic method -sC
NOTE : This script is not intended for use in real scenarions or whatsoever , its made only for the puporse to make nmap scan faster for HTB , VULNHUB , THM ecc ...
(: 0x42