This is the main group project for a C++ software course (software design and project management based) I completed in 2021. For this project, I worked as the software architect, designing the architecture without a framework for the first time (this was also the first large C/C++ project I was part of). In terms of content, I mainly worked on the back-end (ships, board, etc) and ensured quality, while other entities and front-end work like sprites and screens were created by other team members.
While this project overall is pretty simple & straightforward, my team did this mainly to learn more about C++, which we definitely succeeded in. In a few months, I learned a lot of concepts, including properly using pointers, CMAKE, refactoring & software design, and everyone's favorite: fixing plenty of git merge conflicts 🙃
├── .github # Contains the issue template
├── .idea # JetBrains (CLion) settings
├── .vscode # Visual Studio Code settings
├── bin
| └── battleship.exe # Compiled binary with the most recent code
├── include
| └── SFML # A copy of the SFML library (see above for download)
├── res
| └── images # Pixel graphic images for the game's UI
├── src
| ├── controllers # Overarching classes that manage and define the screens and game state
| ├── entity # Game entities
| ├── enums # Enumerations for types of screens, ships and grid squares
| ├── helpers # Stateless helper classes and funtions
| ├── screens # Each possible game screen
| └── main.cpp # Entry point for the program
├── test # Tests using googletest (incomplete)
├── .clang-format # Formatting settings
├── .gitignore
├── CMakeLists.txt # Build script