Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) for Transmission Ultrasound Computed Tomography with Transmitting and Receiving Linear Array Transducers based on the Angular Spectrum Method
Please download the sample data (sim_breast.mat) under the releases tab for this repository, and place that data in the MATLAB or Python directories.
From either the MATLAB or Python directories, please run BreastTomography.m or BreastTomography.py in order to run the FWI reconstruction of the simulated breast phantom
If you use the code/algorithm for research, please cite the SPIE conference proceedings paper:
Ali, R. "Open-Source Full-Waveform Ultrasound Computed Tomography Based on the Angular Spectrum Method Using Linear Arrays". Medical Imaging 2022: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography. Vol. 12038. SPIE, 2022.
You can reference a static version of this code by its DOI number:
The schematic below shows the coordinate system (a) used to perform the angular spectrum method. This grid is rotated as the two linear arrays are (b) rotated around the medium to collect receive signals sampled from all angles by rotating a full a 360 degrees (in 2 degree steps) around the object of interest:
Simulated receive signals (from k-Wave) are shown for 9 different views around the medium:
When FWI is used to reconstruct the speed of sound in the medium using the angular spectrum method, here are the results after 12 iterations: