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Reform allows managing hiwi contracts. Contract data is stored and procressed in your browser and distributed peer to peer.


You should make sure that the following components are pre-installed on your machine:

You will also need a browser supporting selenium. We recommend chromium

export SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome 

Optionally, install the pre-commit hook (recommended)

ln -sr .git/hooks/pre-commit

For Windows: (run in elevated commandprompt)

cmd /c mklink ".git\\hooks\\pre-commit" "..\\..\\"

Developing the peer (frontend)

In the directory peer first load environment variables.

cp env.example .env
$EDITOR .env
export $(cat .env)

Cleaning the project:

sbt clean

Warning: Firefox is not able to load the Source maps, use Chromium.

Install node modules:

npm install

Compile to javascript:

sbt ~fastLinkJS

In another terminal start the web dev server:

npm run dev

To start the always-online-peer (headless peer running inside the jvm)

sbt reformJVM/run

Open peered instances of the frontend in your browser:

npm run spawn-test-instances -- 2 http://localhost:5173/

Developing using a temp dir:

setsid -f chromium --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d) http://localhost:5173/

Show dependency tree:

sbt dependencyBrowseTreeHTML


Tun javascript tests:

npm run test

Run jvm tests:

sbt test

If you want to run the selenium tests you need to run:

npm run selenium

Developing SSO Login

We need to control the exact whitelisted url. This can be done with ssh reverse port forwarding:

ssh -vvv -N -R 43547:localhost:3000

Then develop in the discovery folder.


Using podman-compose-git

export DOCKER_HOST="unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock"

podman-compose --env-file .env.podman --project-name traefik --file docker-compose-local-traefik.yml down
podman-compose --env-file .env.podman --project-name traefik --file docker-compose-local-traefik.yml up --pull --build --remove-orphans

podman-compose --env-file .env.podman --project-name reform --file docker-compose.yml down
podman-compose --env-file .env.podman --project-name reform --file docker-compose.yml up --pull --build --remove-orphans
podman-compose --env-file .env.podman --project-name reform --file docker-compose.yml exec reform-discovery npm run user:add

The application is available on http://reform.localhost:8888/ by default

Build inside docker

Building the peer

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build peer-dev
docker run \
 --rm \
 -v "$PWD/dist:/app/dist" \
 --env-file .env \
 reform-peer-dev:latest \
 npm run build # Might also be called reform_peer-dev:latest

Release Builds

Always Online Peer

sbt reformJVM/assembly
java -jar src/jvm/target/scala-3.3.0/reform-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar