Rothia from the human nose inhibit Moraxella catarrhalis colonization with a secreted peptidoglycan endopeptidase
Reed M. Stubbendieck1,2, Eishika Dissanayake3, Peter M. Burnham1, Susan E. Zelasko1,4, Mia I. Temkin1, Sydney S. Wisdorf3, Rose F. Vrtis3, James E. Gern3,5, Cameron R. Currie1,6,7,8
1Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 2Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 3Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI 53792 4Microbiology Doctoral Training Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 5Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI 53792 6Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 7Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 8David Braley Centre for Antibiotic Discovery, Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
This repository contains the code necessary to replicate the results and figures of our study on interactions between the pathobiont Moraxella catarrhalis and Rothia.
The code in the Rmd document and the following code snippets expect the raw and derived datasets to be in the ./rawData/ and ./derivedData/ directories, respectively.
The raw amplicon sequencing reads can be found in the Short Read Archive under BioProject accession PRJNA866994. The genome sequences of the Rothia generated for this study can be found under BioProject accession PRJNA867425. All other raw datasets can be found from FigShare: here.
All derived datasets can be found from FigShare: here.
- Biostrings
- circlize
- cowplot
- ggmsa
- ggnewscale
- ggpubr
- ggtree
- phyloseq
- RColorBrewer
- readr
- reshape2
- rstatix
- seqmagick
- tidyverse
- vegan
For all code, the thread_num needs to be changed before it can be run. All paths below assume that code is being run from the base project directory.
python3 ./scripts/python/ ./rawData/amplicon_reads/ ./derivedData/amplicon_reads/processed_reads/ thread_num
conda activate mothur
mothur ./scripts/mothur/mothur_batch_file.txt
conda deactivate
conda activate prokka
python3 ./scripts/python/ ./rawData/genomes/combined_genomes/ ./derivedData/annotations/combined_genomes/ ./rawData/genomes/rothia_genome_table.csv thread_num
conda deactivate
conda activate pyparanoid
python3 ./scripts/python/ ./derivedData/annotations/combined_genomes/ ./derivedData/pyparanoid_out_combined/ ./rawData/genomes/combined_strainlist.txt RothiaDB thread_num
python3 scripts/python/ ./derivedData/pyparanoid_out_combined/RothiaDB/homolog.faa ./derivedData/pyparanoid_out_combined/RothiaDB/rothia_homolog_groups.tsv
conda deactivate
mkdir ./derivedData/phylogenetic_trees/rothia_tree/
cd ./derivedData/phylogenetic_trees/rothia_tree/
perl path/to/core_species_tree/ path/to/rawData/rothia_genomes/*.fna
Used FigTree to convert the ASTRAL-II core-genome phylogeny (./derivedData/rothia_tree/astral.species.tre) using propotional branch lengths based on the root (./derivedData/rothia_tree/astral.species_proportional.tre).
conda activate anvio-7
python3 ./scripts/python/ ./rawData/genomes/combined_genomes/ ./derivedData/anvio_out/ Rothia thread_num
anvi-import-misc-data -p ./derivedData/anvio_out/anvio_pangenome/Rothia-PAN.db -t layers ./rawData/genomes/rothia_genome_table.tsv
anvi-compute-genome-similarity --external-genomes ./derivedData/anvio_out/external_genomes --program pyANI --output-dir ./derivedData/anvio_out/ANI/ --num-threads thread_num --pan-db derivedData/anvio_out/anvio_pangenome/Rothia-PAN.db
anvi-display-pan -g ./derivedData/anvio_out/Rothia-GENOMES.db -p ./derivedData/anvio_out/anvio_pangenome/Rothia-PAN.db --server-only -P 8080
anvi-script-add-default-collection -p ./derivedData/anvio_out/anvio_pangenome/Rothia-PAN.db
anvi-summarize -g ./derivedData/anvio_out/Rothia-GENOMES.db -p ./derivedData/anvio_out/anvio_pangenome/Rothia-PAN.db -C DEFAULT
conda deactivate
conda activate antismash
python3 ./scripts/python/ ./rawData/genomes/combined_genomes/ ./derivedData/rothia_antismash_output/ thread_num
conda deactivate
conda activate bigscape
python3 /home/stubbendieck/BiG-SCAPE/ --pfam_dir /home/stubbendieck/databases/ -c thread_num --mibig --include_singletons --mix --hybrids-off --verbose -i ./derivedData/rothia_antismash_output/gbks/ -o ./derivedData/rothia_bigscape/
conda deactivate
python3 ./scripts/python/ ./rawData/proteomics/ ./derivedData/rothia_proteomics_output.tsv