какой-то кек про граф
From kek-pro-graph directory:
git submodule update --init --recursive
and from kek-pro-graph/serd directory:
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install
To build the project simply run
make tests
make tests
To construct a minimal determinstic automaton run:
./main 'your_regular_expression'
The program will print the automaton: number of states and each state's description: its edges and whether it is terminal. The start state is always state number 0.
Output example:
$ ./main '(ab|aab|aba)*'
5 states:
0: terminal
0 -> 1 : a
1 -> 2 : a
1 -> 3 : b
2 -> 0 : b
3: terminal
3 -> 4 : a
4: terminal
4 -> 1 : a
4 -> 3 : b
Regex supported operations:
A|B | union of two regular expressions A and B |
A* | star (repeat any number of times) |
(A) | separates A (as usual brackets in arithmetic expressions) |
\(, \), \*, \| | simple (, ), *, | symbols |
'|' < concatention (no symbol) < '*'
Symbol \ can only be used before one of the '(', ')', '*', '|'
- abc matches '(a|b|c)*c'
- abb does not match '(a|b|c)*c'
- aaaabb matches '(aa)*b*'