practice project with safe devops approach and clean architecture
This project is my place to experiment with new topics and fundamental skills I have to improve on. I will utilize a full safe devops approach, or atleast as much as I can while utilizing githubs tools.
The goal will be that everything is versioned controlled as per safe devops guidelines.
Scaffold database with pommelo: dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=localhost; port=3306;User=pontus;Password=nisseHasse#34;Database=AlienColony" "Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql"
This project will be a fullstack application utilizing as many technologies as I want to learn.
List as of now decided upon tech:
- MariaDb - changed to sql server express because of preferense
- redis
- .Net
- GraphQl
- Docker & docker-compose
Since I also want to adopt a modern workflow I have choosen safe devops. Here I will utilize practices for CI/CD, seperate release from deploy etc. Or as much as I can while utilizing the tools available for github. Everything will be version controlled so that anyone can copy this project and just get started.